Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Did you know that there was a Thanksgiving this year...and that we celebrated it? Looks like it might be an annual tradition to document our Thanksgiving adventures well after the fact. I'm going to blame it on the fact that Christmas follows immediately after, rather than on the fact that I never take my own pictures and thus have to wait for others to send me theirs.

This year was Thanksgiving in Florida. This time he was totally into watching the airplanes and trucks drive around the airport. Good thing since we got there early.

These are all of the people who stayed at Dave and Debbie's for Thanksgiving weekend:

Don't recognize a few faces? That would be Chris's Uncle Mike (Debbie's brother), Aunt Val, Cousin Nathan and Cousin Alex. Think that's a lot of people? Our big meal was at Debbie's Cousin Vaughn's house. If I recall correctly, there were 32 of us - I might have missed someone. I believe there were no fewer than 4 turkeys, 2 of which were fried. You know how its always hard to give up some of your favorite holiday dishes when you aren't home? Adding fried turkey to the list kinda helps make up the difference. Mmm. I stole so much of it as soon as it came out of the fryer that I barely put any turkey on my plate when meal time came around. But I digress. The 32 of ranged in age from 13 months to 93 years. Impressive, eh? Here are the three youngest:
Sam is one hour older than Zoe, Zack is 6 months younger. The three of them had great fun bouncing around on the trampoline. Sam would run all the way across and fall into a waiting adult's arms. When Great Aunt Val caught wind of this she jumped on the trampoline to await her first ever hug from the boy. We had to remove the little ones. every once in awhile because the big kids were getting bored with the gentle bouncing. Later that evening Sam entertained himself by filling his cup with ice from the cooler, taking it to the pool, throwing the ice into the pool one. cube. at. a. time. For about an hour. Many thanks to Val for supervising the entire hour.Later in the week we spent some time outside. Sam enjoyed trying to climb this tree at a big state park in Sarasota. Now when I was packing I asked Chris, "Do you think we'll go to the beach at all? Should I bring Squirmy's bathing suit?" He replied, "We might go but I don't think you need to bring his suit." Well we went, in regular clothes that came home salty and sandy. I think I will now live by the rule that you should always pack a child's bathing suit when heading to Florida, even if you think its too cold to get into the water.

Speaking of too cold, it wasn't. In fact it was too hot, at least for the clothes I packed for my child. I didn't really pay attention to the weather forecast and packed more for fall/winter than the summer/fall weather we actually had. That is why my son is rocking his undershirt while enjoying a ride on his new motorized "truck" from Grandma and Grandpa.

I think that catches most of the highlights. In related news, I've been practicing my own turkey-roasting skills. Soon I'll be ready to host my own fest. Gobble Gobble.

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