Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our Big News

So, it appears that my last attempt at making this announcement was a little bit less than successful. Take a look at the shirt that Sam is wearing in this post. Did you read it? It says "Big Bro." As in, Big Brother. As in, I'm pregnant.

He wore that shirt up to Chicago, where we told our siblings and a few close family friends. And a few other people who guessed and/or my husband/mother didn't lie properly. The next week I had my first doctors appointment and we got these beautiful pictures taken:

The pictures measured baby at 8 weeks 3 days, the calendar put me at 8 weeks 1 day. That's a week later than our first pictures of Sam, and I can honestly say I can see a difference. Not in what I see, in particular, but in size. And the heartbeat was VERY clear on the ultrasound this time, whereas I never really saw it with Sam. I go back tomorrow for my 12 week appointment, not sure if I'll get new pictures or not.

So there you go. Baby #2 on the way. Mark your calendars for March 14th!


Elizabeth said...

Congratulations girly!!!! And Sam looks sooo happy about preschool in those pictures.

Anonymous said...

:) Congrats! - Mel