Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Over the last few weeks we've started to put some real thought and effort into preparing Sam mentally for the pending arrival of his new sibling. We got some books from the library, practiced holding Elmo, talked about what babies like and don't like, etc.

So you can imagine my swelling mama heart when I walked into the childcare room to pick-up Sam from the gym and saw this:

He was just sitting there with her. No adults around, the other kids running wild around the room. I sat down next to him and asked what he was doing. "I'm holding the baby's hand." A minute later, "I'm not ready to go, I'm still sitting with her." And then he went and grabbed a stuffed duck. Earlier in the week we talked about how babies only like to play with soft toys. And a minute later our scene looked like this:

After the animals, he went back to holding her hand. When I finally convinced him it was time to go he told the baby goodbye and promised they would play again next time. I am so encouraged that this Big Brother is really taking ownership of his role! I pray that this enthusiasm continues when the real thing arrives in just about 8 weeks!

3 comments: said...


James said...

What a precious little guy, his new sis or bro is going to be very lucky to have such a great big brother to take care of her or him!!!

Sophie Arnold said...

My heart is melting right now!! xx