Sunday, April 29, 2012

2 Months

When I think back to the day we took Annabelle's newborn photos, it seems like a lifetime ago.  So I guess the answer to the question, "Does it feel like Annabelle is two months old already?" would be yes.  While I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I am still adjusting to how to meet all demands required of a mom of two, it is true that Annabelle has worked her way into our family quite seamlessly.  It feels like she has always been here.

And how is Lady A doing these days?  Quite well!  I've moved her (well, she was pretty much there on her own) onto to an every-three-hour eating schedule, which has provided some much needed predictability to our daily lives.  It is, however, still time consuming, as she tends to fall asleep mid feed.  But the schedule has also provided some good momentum towards sleeping through the night!  For the last two weeks she has a regular time slot for her one and only overnight feeding, 3:30am, which gives me over 4 hours of sleep in my first stretch.  BUT occasionally she'll give us a really long stretch, like two nights ago when she slept from 11pm to 5:30am.  There is a light!

In general she is proving to be a more laid back baby than her brother.  Is it because she is the second kid or because she would have been anyways, we will never know.  But I am thankful there is always a reason for tears - hunger and fatigue, usually.

She is starting to smile at us!  Sometimes they are random, but sometimes they are clearly intentional - at us - and those are awesome.  She has a special fondness for the crazy 3-year-old that lives with us, and she'll stare at him for the longest.  Perhaps it is because there is the most to see when looking his way?  Whatever the cause, I'm enjoying watching them develop a mutual fondness for each other.

We continue to receive comments about how tiny she is.  In all reality, she is still the size of many newborns (specifics to come after well-visits on Wednesday!), even though she seems to have grown so much.  Several people have referred to her as a little doll, and I really do think she is just that beautiful.

She's not into toys yet, although she does spend a little time each day on her playmat.  She mostly spends her days moving between the swing, bouncy seat, playmat and crib.  She is awake for continually longer periods, though never more than an hour and a half.  And, without further ado, here is her list as of 2 months old:

-Being Held
-Having her hand held
-Sleeping in the swing

-Being Gassy
-Being Alone

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