Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter 2012

I think that Easter 2012 shall go down as the Year of Many Egg Hunts. Sam has become quite skilled at the sport of "Easter Picking," as he has taken to calling it. Not sure which part he enjoys more - the actual hunting or taking time to "crack" each one and gasp with excitement at the treasure inside. This years treasures from the various hunts included bouncy balls, stickers, band aids (?!) and of course, candy. But let's start at the beginning...

The first portion of our Easter celebration was at a friends home, at what appears to be an annual egg hunt for the little ones. The good news is that this year I remembered Sam's Easter Basket! They "hid" hundreds of eggs, all of which were found in less than 10 minutes. It was hot, but I think the adults had as much fun hanging out as the kids did eating candy.

The party resembled an advertisement for smocked and seersucker children's clothing. Are we in the South? I think so! We tried to get all the kids together for a picture, but that didn't work too well. Sam and Miles wanted their backs against the tree, too, instead of standing in a line so everyone could be in one shot. Oh well.

That week at school Sam's class had an Easter Party. That's right, when you go to preschool at a church you don't have to have a "spring party," you actually get to use the word Easter and do crafts that involve the cross. Woohoo! But, in the two's class they don't let parents stay for the parties - too disruptive for the kiddos. So all I can tell you is that he seemed to enjoy himself and that he was less confused than were his Aunt and I when he came home with band aids in his eggs.

On Saturday we had to make preparations for the Easter bunny to come! I learned this year that Chris doesn't like dying Easter eggs because he hates the smell of vinegar. I knew about his vinegar aversion, but didn't realize it turned him off from the egg dying process. Good thing Aunt Kate and Mommy really enjoy the process. As does Sam. Mostly, he likes taking the eggs in an out of the cups. We ended up with some less than attractive colors in the end because he didn't seem to care that orange and blue don't layer well.

Then it was the big day! The Easter Bunny came while we were sleeping a left a basket outside of Sam's bedroom. It had a new Dumbo DVD in it. The "bunny" was sure he'd like the elephants, but totally forgot about the circus train that makes regular appearances! Little man does get scared when the big men set up the circus tent in the dark and sad when Dumbo gets separated from his mom, but he loves the dancing elephants!

Anywho, we beautified ourselves and made it to church in time to get good seats. This was Sam's first year to participate in Flowering the Cross (he was proud of the giant sunflower he took with him for the purpose), and we prepared him at length for how it would work and that he would have to leave his flower up there. When we got to church he get telling me, "Its really high! Its too high! Look how high!" I couldn't figure it out until he said, "How will I reach?" He as looking at the permanent cross affixed to the back wall of the sanctuary and was worried that he'd never be able to get his flower all the way up there. So cute! And he was reassured to know they'd have a low one for all the kids to reach.

After a wonderful worship service and our best attempt at a family picture, it was home for brunch. It was not that lamb that I know my brother would have preferred, but I think it was still tasty! And while I was cooking, the kids opened baskets from Gammi as the Bunny - err, Uncle Matt - hid a multitude of eggs outside. After we ate, it was outside for one last egg hunt. It was during the last, private hung that Sam gave up on waiting until the end to open his eggs. With each one found he would gasp, "ahh! Another one!" He would hold it over his basket, crack it open, announce what was inside, dump the contents into the basked, toss the empty egg into the basket, and move on. We also ventured into the world of confetti eggs this year, at big hit for an almost-three-year-old boy!

We ended the celebrations with a quick trip next door to the neighbors' crawfish boil. Sam is getting to know the other little kids on our street and it is fun to watch him play with neighbors. He is already talking about when the Easter Bunny will come again next year!

And most of this post has been about Sam, as Lady A is a bit small to participate in the festivities. But here is a sweet picture displaying her small stature. That would be the hand of a 6'4" man holding our little "nugget of a person," as he liked to refer to her. Ultimately, though, he has decided to call her Bananas.

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