Monday, April 30, 2012

3 Years Old

And then he was three.  No longer a baby, too big to be a toddler.  Officially in the "preschooler" category, he actually fits in better with kindergartners than with babies.  He is so grown up.

Really, I feel like that sums up this year for Sam - I feel like he grew up.  That sounds silly, given that he's three, but the changes I've seen over the last twelve months are just astounding to me.  I really cannot decide if he changed more between 1 and 2 or between 2 and 3.  I am rather certain that we will not see a year with this much development again.

He is so independent.  He climbs in and out of the car seat, shuts his own car door, uses utensils at meals, is self-sufficient in the bathroom.  He can play for long periods of time (30 minutes!) by himself as long as I am near by.

But he is still my baby.  He still needs a kiss when there's a boo boo, still calls for us to get him out of bed (score!), still climbs in our laps during the scary parts of the cartoons.

He is all boy.  Obsessed with all things truck-related, spoiled a bit by all the stimulus-related roadwork around town.  Loud at all times.  Jumps off of anything more than 3 inches off the ground.  Crazy coordinated, even his preschool teachers are telling me to sign him up for sports.  Dirty all the time.  Too busy to spend more than 3 minutes on a craft.

He is tenderhearted.  The worst punishment you can give him is yelling (much like his Mommy!).  In fact, if you yell at him he sends himself to his room to get over it.  I use time-outs because, knowing exactly how he feels, I can't stand to break his spirit.  Too busy to cuddle, but he surprises us with sweet comments and random hugs to brighten our days. 

He is social.  He says high to people passing on the sidewalk or walking into the restaurant.  He asks to have friends over all the time.  He plays with kids he doesn't know at the park.  He has his own friends, friends that I did not help him to make.

He is talkative.  He speaks in full sentences and speaks clearly.  He asks questions all the time.  He recount stories to you and uses sayings and phrases he has heard in proper context with proper intonation.  The adult-like style to his speech that often results is quite comical.

He is smart.  He knows what he wants and how to get it.  He knows how to push our buttons.  He knows his letters and how to count to 13 (my favorite number is twenty-teen).  He likes order to things.  He is good at puzzles.  He remembers everything you tell him.

He is becoming a better eater.  He'll eat almost anything I cook for dinner (although he sides with Aunt TT on the 'hard to chew meat'), even if the quantities aren't large.  He does not sit well at a table, but that is our fault.  We have indulged him over the last 2 years to encourage better eating.  Perhaps its time for that to change, too.

He is still small.  One of the smallest of the 24 in the two's program at his school.  Specifics to come on Wednesday...

I am so in love with the boy that Sam has become.  I actually am, at times, afraid that he will grow up.  Yes, he challenges and exhausts me, but I don't really want him to change.  From here on out he will only become more boy - and then more man - and I am afraid of losing the sweet child who I hear playing with his new truck in bed while he falls asleep in the next room.  Yet at the same time I am, for the first time, envisioning what the next stage will look like.  I can see myself taking him to elementary school and sitting in the stands at his games (which sport will he pick?!).  My dear friend, who sent her oldest son to UT this fall, has assured me that they can be both men AND your sweet boy.  I hope she is right!

We had a lovely day celebrating today.  Sam awoke to balloons on covering his bedroom floor and was treated to fruity swirl Trix for breakfast.  We met friends for lunch at the brand new Chick-Fil-A that just opened 5 minutes from our house (score again!), and Daddy got home early from work!  Out to dinner and presents before bed.  Without potty candy - because there's just some things you have to give up when you're three.

Happy Birthday Sam.  I love you today more than ever.

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