Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

What a fun weekend our little fam had!

It started Saturday morning when we made our annual trek out to the blueberry farm - apparently with the rest of Houston.  This was our fifth year and we have never seen it even close to that crowded!Sam asked if it was June because we told him, months ago, when he asked if we could go that he had to wait until June.  Good memory!  Sam picked for about 20 minutes before got bored then ran back and forth between us for awhile, before Dad and Sam had to eventually bail to playing instead.  So yes, I picked most of our 8.8 pound crop by myself (part of it while bottle feeding!), but that's ok.  Sam enjoyed his treat afterward and we were on the road home before it got brutally hot for the day.  3/4 of the berries went straight into the freezer and I am looking forward to another year of farm-fresh berries!

Saturday night I got to head out to the ballet with some girlfriends!  While I was gone, Chris informed Sam that he was getting ready to feed Annabelle.  Sam replied, "But you're not a girl!"  Ha!  The boy agreed that bottle would probably work just fine.

Sunday was church, chores and a yummy grilled dinner.

Monday morning was split between the baby pool and the splash pad.  It was Annabelle's first time in a bathing suit, but she was displeased to have even her toes dipped in the cool water.  She was perfectly content on a shady blanket in the breeze.  Sam actually only lasted about 5 minutes in the splash pad before announcing he was cold and wanted clothes.  He wasn't kidding - he had goose bumps.  These must be my children if the get cold in 90 degree weather! 

Chris and I sat in the baby pool while the kids napped in the afternoon.  Because we're cool like that.  But it was nice to just sit and chat.

We ended the weekend with a fun cookout at some friends' house.  So many little people (Sam was one of the oldest!), so much fun. 

And now its officially summer.  The calendar is filling up, so stay tuned!

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