Saturday, May 26, 2012

School's Out For Summer!

Thursday was Sam's last day of his first year at preschool.  Although I probably shouldn't be, I was surprised at how sentimental the day made me.  We've really grown attached to his teachers, and I have so enjoyed watching him grow through his experiences there this year.  Fortunately the group of kids will be the same next year, so we should slide right back in to a happy place in the fall.

They sent home a cute little book they made with growth stats and hand prints from the beginning and end of the year - a keeper (not everything that comes home is)!  Unfortunately we missed the end of the year program when we were out of town, but I'm sure he would have made an excellent blue triangle!

He could have gone all summer if we wanted, but I chose not to for several reasons.  I am looking forward to laid back mornings, pool time and playdates.  We'll also be spending a week at VBS and a week on vacation.  Plus, its more of Mothers Day Out in the summer, not really "preschool."  Hopefully I don't regret my decision...this will be my first few weeks with two kids to myself for 5 whole days in a row!  Now, he will get to go for a few weeks in July because, y'all, its hot here and I think we may be ready for some inside entertainment by mid-summer.

And because some things never change, even after a year of learning and growing, the boy still loves watching for the trash trucks.

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