Saturday, September 29, 2012

7 Months

Obviously the big news this month is our transition from independent sitter to aspiring crawler.  The girl wants it badly!  She is most motivated by Sam and his things - are you seeing a trend  here?  She wants something in her mouth ALL the time, sometimes she almost looks possessed trying to get that accomplished, so that is a motivation as well.  When she collapses off of her hands and knees she generally resorts to "flying."  She pulls her head, arms and legs off the ground for extended periods of time.  I'm pretty sure she's convinced this will actually get her somewhere.

At 7 months Annabelle's days go something like this: She sleeps about 11 hours at night (7:30-6:30) without waking.  She naps from 9-11 and 2-4:30, if allowed the opportunity.  Unfortunately sometimes that isn't possible, so she often sneaks a third nap in there, especially on days when I have preschool pick-up.  She nurses 5 times per day (6:30, 11, 1:45, 4:30 and 7:15, all times "ish") and eats about 3 oz of baby food at lunch and dinner time, whenever that might be.

I am finding her preferences for solid food to be in line with what you'd expect from an adult pallet.  She hated the over-cooked broccoli (who doesn't, it gets so bitter!) and prefers the roasted acorn squash to the steamed butternut squash.  That one smelled so good in the oven I almost made soup for myself instead of baby food for her!  Green veggies go down easier when mixed with a sweeter one, like carrot, and fruits are preferred over all.  Crackers are her true joy.  She received her first one from Gommy at a wedding I was in a few weeks ago - I am told the child was heartbroken when she dropped it.  I get it, for all she knew it was the only one in the whole world!  What joy she must have felt to be handed another!  Oh, and she really only eats her food warm - including bottles.  Little Miss Priss.  Sam still eats his veggies raw and/or frozen.

Still no teeth.  Not expecting any, there is a history of late teething in my family, but it sure would help her out.  She really wants to feed herself but doesn't have the pincer grip required for bit size pieces yet!

The girl has a serious hair situation going on.  The top is coming in curly.  I think that if it were longer it would form some nice spiral curls.  But it is still short, so it mostly just sticks straight up in mohawk fashion.  Headbands and bows are now more necessary than ever to help contain the crazy.  The sides and back are still really short, so we'll have to wait and see what happens with it in the long run.

I am pleased to announce that we are getting better at making her laugh.  We've found a few ticklish spots (her neck always, belly sometimes) and she loves to "fly."  After this week I can also tell you that she like to ride Sam, with adult assistance of course.

And here are the lists...

-Chewing on anything and everything
-Neck Tickles
-Fruit and Crackers
-Holding Mommy's hair while she nurses

-Being left alone
-Going in and out of the car seat too many times in a row

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