Friday, September 28, 2012


It appears we have entered the world of extracurricular activities - Sam has started a soccer class!  I debated a bit about signing him up for a team (the YMCA league starts at three), and then I got a postcard in the mail advertising the Soccer Shots program.  It is awesome!  The 45 minute class meets on Saturday mornings (inside a community center...A/C!).  The first half is spent with cute little drills and exercises, and the second half is a little scrimmage.  It really is the perfect introduction to the game for this little group of 12 3-4 year olds.  Other perks: no cleats or shin guards required, and Coach Alex provides all the balls.

Sam missed the first class (we were out of town) but slipped right in on week two.  We signed up with several of his school friends and he enjoys seeing familiar faces there.  He spent a good portion of this last week practicing his skills and asking me, "What's Alex's other name?"  It took me a minute before I realized he was trying to remember the word 'Coach.'  Alex is wonderful with the kids.

Here is a video of his first scrimmage.  You'll see at one point that he is concerned about a boy who fell and lost a shoe, that is his carpool buddy and classmate Leo.  Can't wait to see him progress over the 10 week "season!"

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