Tuesday, January 29, 2013

11 Months

11 Months.  And you know what, this time it feels like it.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still broken hearted that next month she won't be an infant anymore, and it still does not feel like its been a year since she was born, but she does seem like an 11 month old now.

Baby Belle really is almost a toddler.  She took her first unassisted step last week (1/22/13) and has repeated a few times.  Never more than one, but she has done it.  Sam says, "She can only take a step when there is a small opening."  Pretty much, bud!  She is no longer afraid of the push toys, but cannot steer them at all so often ends up running into walls.  She stands on her own for up to 30 seconds at a time, intentionally letting go.  She knows she can do it now.  Will she be walking by her birthday?  Stay tuned...

Still no teeth.  But I swear she's getting one.  She has been gumming those frozen peas that she previously considered far too cold for human consumption.  And she's been a bit more fussy than usual.

She is developing more of her own opinions and doesn't hesitate much to express them in the form of grunts, cries, and babble.  She has food preferences, a dislike for stillness on the changing table, and pure adoration for her brother.  Unless he holds onto her feet when she's trying to crawl.

She is still nursing, but more for sport than for nourishment at this point.  She generally prefers real food to her milk, except for first thing in the morning.  We like our quiet time together until brother barges in to find us.  She eats most table foods now, except that she can't chew meat.  Sometimes I puree for her whatever we're having for dinner, sometimes she eats it as is.  A couple of times I have cooked ONE meal that all four of us ate (spaghetti, soup, chili) - life changing.  I still give her some baby food, but that is working its way out of the picture slowly.

She still naps twice per day, but the morning nap is becoming less crucial to her.  Poor girl still has her scheduled changed up depending on what the rest of us are up to, but thankfully she still flows just fine.  And she sleeps 11 hours at night with no peeps at all.  If only we could get Sam to sleep until 7...

She is still small, but she hasn't been measured in two months.  She wears 9 and 12 months clothes, but I'd be lying if I didn't say there's some 6 month stuff she still fits into.  She wears size 2 shoes.  She is getting a little bit more hair, and its looking like it will be curly all over!  I got her some spray on/leave in conditioner to help tame the wild bed head, and we're experimenting with different kids of bows and rubber bands.

And so, our list.

-Morning Nursing
-Hanging onto Mommy's pants
-Standing independently
-Holding anything in her mouth

-Waiting for the rest of us to FINALLY be ready for dinner
-Sleeping at church

1 comment:

James said...

She is so adorable, thanks for sharing.