Friday, May 31, 2013

15 Months

At 15 months Annabelle is a true toddler.  She still has a toddler walk about her, but is growing steadier and faster every day with her walking.  I'm having flashbacks as I watch her pull the books of the shelf and pull every piece of Tupperware out of the cabinet - immediately after I pull some fun toys out for her.  She is content to spend a good portion of her day wandering around the house with random objects in hand.  She also tends to prefer Sam's toys over her own, so we have to keep his door closed a lot to protect her from the Lego's and Playmobile.  When she talks on the phone she holds it directly behind her head at the base of her skull.  Adorable.

In just the past few weeks she has really started recognizing and responding to the routines of our family.   In the morning when I get her bow in and her shoes on, she stands by the back door.  The other day Chris asked if she would like dinner.  She folded her hands, as if to pray, and walked to her high chair.  She also folds her hands to pray, without prompting, when I close the last book at bedtime.

When I ask for a kiss she leans in with a wide open mouth.  Although especially gross when she's snotty, I love every single one.  She still loves to be held, especially first thing in the morning and when she's tired.  I can get her to sit on my lap for a while if I have the correct supply of snacks.  The correct snacks would be anything that she has seen Sam eat.  No baby snacks, please.

I do feel a bit guilty that baby girl is often tired.  Since the move her schedule has been all over the place and if she falls asleep in the car she won't nap in her bed.  Naps have been a huge challenge.  She has been compensating a bit with more overnight sleep, but it has become apparent that she really does still need 2 naps a day.  Next week I aim to help get her back onto a schedule.

We had her latest well visit with the pediatrician on Thursday afternoon.  She got a clean bill of health, in spite of her cold, and she received 3 shots.  Only a few tears from our little trooper - worlds more tolerant than her brother at the same age!  She weighed in at 18lbs 4oz (10th%) and was 30 1/4" (40%).  She is wearing 12 and 18 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

Although she still loves to grunt, point, shake her head and wave her hands to get what she wants, Baby Belle is showing some progress in language development.  She has been blabbing CONSTANTLY for months now, but is starting to pull together some words as well!  So far she successfully and consistently uses the following words:
-Thank You (Day Doo)
-Down (Doww)
-Ball (Baw)
-All Done (Aw Doo)
-Go (Geww)

She continues to be a laid back girl, even when she is sick and tired.  She loves her family more than anyone else but is getting much better about staying with others.  We're going to have to watch her - given the dynamics of others in our family, she could become a total pushover who gives the other kids their way all the time or a bit too aggressive out of a need to stand up for herself.  Not sure which I prefer, to be honest!

And finally, her list.  At 15 months Annabelle...

-Being held and snuggling
-Eating from Sam's bowl, plate, snack cup, etc.
-Playing outside


-Being tired, poor girl
-Having toys yanked from her hand over and over again
-Leftovers (get over it now little girl, its gonna happen in this house!)

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