Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The End of the Year - And Time To Say Goodbye

Last Thursday we had the joy of attending the Closing Program at Sam's preschool.  It was darling!  The 4's (Pre-K) graduated, and the other classes put on a performance of Noah's Ark.

The 4's processed into the sanctuary in their graduation caps to Pomp and Circumstance and I got all teary.  Why does that song always do that to me, even when I am not related to a graduate?  They had their names called and received diplomas.  Then they took their places to become the choir for play.  They sang more verses of an old children's song than I knew existed.

..."The Lord said to Noah, There's Gonna be a Floody Floody, Get Those Animals Out of the Muddy Muddy, Children of the Lord.  So, Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory Glory"...

Good Times.  The show started with Noah (played by Sam's BFF Leo!), His Wife (Mrs. Noah, if you ask the children), and his brothers.  Eventually all of the animals joined the show.

Sam was an adorable Lion.  He totally gave us the stink eye as we walked up the aisle.  It was beyond precious to see the little personalities shine through as they entered.  Some were total hams, some embarrassed, others very focused and goal oriented.

It was a long day for Sam - school, swim lesson, dinner at McDonalds and the program.  He was gone from the house for 12 hours.  So when it was over, he was in no mood for pictures.  His Lioness (Piper) was trying, but he'd have none of it.

I got a nice picture of my well-rested lion on another day.

Tomorrow is the last day of the official school year at Zion.  It is our last day there, and I am sad.  Leaving Zion is one of the hardest transitions for me as we settle into the new neighborhood, but two hours in the car is hard on us all and just plain unfair to Annabelle.  The school has a true family feel - For real, get this: The director's daughter is the 3's teacher.  The Assistant Director's daughter teaches the 4's (just learned that today!).  The two assistants in the 3's are, I believe, Sisters-in-law.  And one of those assistants - her daughter and granddaughter teach in the 2's and toddler classes.  More importantly, there are so many opportunities to connect with other parents and students.  We have enjoyed playing on the playground after school, and chatting with the teachers before school.  I have volunteered for the auction and as room mom. 

Most of all, they have cared for and taught my son.  He started there as, what seems like, a baby.  Still in diapers, didn't know his shapes, familiar with only some of the letters, unable to sleep without a paci or lovie.  Two years later he walks around like he owns the place, a big kid ready to start reading.  He learned life skills and letters and how to make his own friends. 

I have told Sam that he's changing schools, although the message may not have come out as clear and definitive as it needs to be.  Tomorrow he will not understand that he's never going back.  I think that's for the best, we have all summer to get excited about what awaits him in the fall!  I understand though, and it will be a hard good bye.

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