Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Aunt" Betty got us and "Uncle!"

The day we've all been praying for (9 years for me, longer for others) has come.  My dear dear friend, the one my children call "Aunt," got married.  It was a privilege to pray through their dating relationship with them, and an honor to be asked to stand with them as they committed their lives to each other. 

With great privilege comes great responsibility, right?  And so, there were pre-wedding events to throw!  The other two bridesmaids and another friend took handle of the bachelorette party.  Can you believe that Josephine's husband made these adorable cookies?!  Ok, she decorated them, but he baked them.  And they were delicious!

Gayle helped me pull together the bridal shower.  Because I know Betty and want her hearts desire for her, we went with a High Tea theme for the shower.  So thankful to have Gayle as my partner in crime - she had a silver tea service and is such a gracious host!  I think Betty had a lovely time and everything turned out lovely.  I was pleased with my cookies, too.

The wedding weekend kind of rocked.  I mean, if nothing else, I got two date nights in a row with the hubs!  Obviously on Friday night we had to practice getting them married, which meant sitter #1 arrived at 4:30.  That's when I left, not to return until midnight on Saturday.  We all learned our parts and had a great, fun dinner at Goode Company BBQ.  Commence another weekend of Lindsay eating her weight in deliciousness at each meal.  Sigh.  And I gave Matt a special gift.

And then I had a sleepover with the bride!  So fun.  She made it clear that she wanted a good night sleep so I stopped responding to her questions and comments at 12:45.  And promptly passed out.  And woke up at 8:30 when she announced that she was awake.  And that she'd been awake several times over night.  Oops!  Here's the funny part - I thought, since I'm always up early, that I'd be up hours before here, so I brought a book.  Not necessary!

The groom had spent the night on the bottom floor.  I shared some very sweet moment with the couple before bed and over coffee in the morning.  Such sweet, loving moments I'm honored to have witnessed.

It is my personal belief that brides are to be pampered on their wedding days.  So I took the bride for a fantastic brunch.  My last meal with Miss Liang!

We got our hair done.  I think the women might have been on something, at a minimum she was a bit crazy.  We had fun, but the eyelashes didn't stay on and she was SLOW. 

Long story short: Jospehine's dress was left behind.  This was discovered at 3:15 on Saturday.  Exactly the time she was to be rehearsing her solo, then get dressed, take pictures and and be in a wedding!  Soo...I gave her husband (the one who baked the cookies, I had confidence in this decision) directions to the closest mall.  He was back with 3 dresses in about 30 minutes.  And she got compliments on the dress all night long. 

Pictures were smooth, ceremony was beautiful.  My favorite part went like this...
Minister: Who gives this woman to be married to this man?
Congregation: Her family and friends do.

And then it was time to party.  Y'all, I had to give a toast.  I'd never done it before!  Fortunately when I sat down to write it, it flowed pretty easily.  Turns out I've got plenty to say about my Betty.  I practiced like I was giving a presentation at work.  I made note cards, which I left in the car.  The one the valet had driven away.  Not to worry, I'd also emailed it to myself.  A glass of wine down, phone in hand, I was handed the mic.  And it happened!  I didn't look at my phone once.  People laughed!  People teared up!  People said it was the best toast they'd ever heard.  HA!  I couldn't believe it!  But I was so happy that it spoke to Betty's heart and that I got to tell everyone what I love about her.

And then we partied some more.  And after it was all over I ended up with a fridge full of mini deserts, a trunk full of gifts and a bag full of test tube-sized bubbles.  We delivered the gifts the next day and the kids got to give Betty some hugs - and meet the bird she now lives with.

And Sam asked me, "Now that Aunt Betty is married, is she old enough to have a baby?"

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