Wednesday, August 27, 2014


We did it - all of us.  We made it to and through "our" first day of Kindergarten.  At the end of two days Chris and I found ourselves surprised by how natural it all felt - that this is really where he belongs and that taking him back to preschool for another year would just be rediculous.  Perhaps its because he's so excited and has handled it all so well, but I guess that too is a sign that this is the right thing.

All of the commercials and news would have you believe that there is SO MUCH TO DO to get ready for a new school year.  Which mostly left me feeling like I was missing something.  I didn't buy him a new lunch box - he has three from years past!  I ordered all of his school supplies back in June - hooray for the PTA website!  I didn't buy him a bunch of new clothes - he has a lovely wardrobe in good shape.  I did put money on his lunch account (yeah, my son uses a "debit card" to buy his lunch a few times per week), buy him a new pair of light up shoes and decorate his tote bag.  Kindergartners all have to carry the "same bag," but there is a bit of pressure to decorate them all fun and fancy.  I've seen everything from sharpie and puff paint to professional seamstress work.  We fell somewhere in between:

That big Spiderman fabric patch is actually a pocket, and the webs glow in the dark.

The week before school we went to meet the teacher and look around the school.  We gave a gift to the Mrs. Schindler and got all the last minute info we needed.

Sunday night we sprinkled the "good thought" sparkles that the teacher sent home, laid out clothes, packed snack and went over the lunch menu.  We read a few stories and prayed for a great year!

And Monday morning we had to wake him up.  Seriously.  First time in weeks that he'd slept past 6:30.  We ate sprinkle pancakes and bacon and listened as the bus drove by.  He is desperate to ride it in the mornings, but he's going to have to learn to eat faster to make it on time!

And then all 4 of us headed to the elementary school.  Zero nerves, all excitement.  Barely a wave goodbye.

Annabelle and I spent some time at "Tears and Cheers" in the cafeteria, and I may have volunteered for a minor leadership job in my first 20 minutes of being a parent at the school.  And I thought about him all day, but really I was only nervous about lunch.  Because he was buying lunch!  I was worried he'd be hungry, hate the food (but I checked carefully - nuggets, potato smiles and apple slices!).  Only fitting, after my history with him, that I'd worry about nothing but his eating on day 1.

At 3:30 we were waiting for him at the "walker tree."  As soon as he walked up to me we got a big hug and he told me excitedly that he'd moved up the behavior chart!  He has never told me so much about a school day, and I was eating it all up!  He ate his lunch and loved buying it.  He seems to already have the morning routine down.

We went to get "special drinks" as an after school treat.  And he was just as excited for day 2.  I'm so proud of my boy, and so excited for this school year!

And a new tradition: A begging of the year survey.  Should be fun to see how it changes over the years.
-Who is your best friend: Leo (Rosin)
-What is your favorite food: Pizza
-What do you want to be when you grow up: LifeFlight Helicopter Pilot
-Favorite Color: Blue
-Favorite thing to play with: Nerf guns
-Favorite Activity: Swimming
-Favorite Sport: Soccer
-Favorite Treat: Candy
-Goals for the year (with Mommy's help): Learn to Read, Learn to Tie Shoes, Learn to Ride Bike on 2 Wheels.

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