Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Best Last Week Of Summer Ever!

Given the pangs of guilt and regret that were (perhaps inappropriately) flooding my mind at the end of summer, I set out to make the last week of our summer together as a threesome TOTALLY awesome.  And you know what...I think I succeeded!

Sunday: Because we had so some sweet friends in town for Aunt Betty's wedding, we had lunch at some friends' house after church.  Just 6 adults and our 5 kids, but it was such a sweet time of chatting and playing.  And the kids were adorable at their little table.  And Annabelle begged for ice cream!

Monday: Wonderwild.  And we met some friends there, and found even more friends once we got there.  We packed lunches and stayed for hours and hours.  So fun.

Tuesday: Children's Museum.  I'm glad we went, but I'm also kind of over it for a while.  Ugh...field trips.  And crowds and crowds of children.  I will take Annabelle on her own, just like Sam and I used to do, but we might wait a bit.

Afterwards we met some dear friends for lunch at Chick-Fil-A for lunch.  So much harder to meet up with friends in different school districts during the year!

Wednesday: Mommy had to work so the kids were stuck home with a sitter.  BUT we ran errands when I got home and they both scored a new pair of tennis shoes.  They were happy.

Thursday: We needed to return one pair of shoes, and the kids begged to play at the mall play area.  For a LONG time.

Friday: We grabbed one of Sam's buddies and headed to Noah's Ark.  We swam for 3 hours, with only a short break for lunch.  The three kids could barely stand up when we left.  The boys even did some "swim team races" - 25 meters!  Annabelle jumped off the diving board for the first time.  I think she's still recovering, actually.

Saturday: We attended with 5th birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese.  I mean, what could be better?!  Mommy got to go shopping - clothes and grocery - without kids, which is more fun for all three of us!  And the kids had another fun sitter that night - adult birthday celebration...for Mommy!

Sunday was my birthday, so we had some family pool time and cake sprinkled in amongst our back to school preparations.  And Chris and I hate an amazing dinner after the kids went to bed - I didn't help him a bit and he cleaned up the whole thing. 

It really was a fantastic week.  We swam some afternoons in addition to our main activities.  In fact, Annabelle swam - jumped and swam to the wall - without me even getting wet.  (I was in my suit, lifegaurd on duty.  Promise.)

It was the best last week of summer ever.  Exactly how I wanted to wrap it all up.

(except for the bickering.  that didn't go away.  will it ever?!)

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