Tuesday, September 29, 2015

July Fun

You really have already heard about almost every moment of July already.  We were out of town 19 of its 31 days, and VBS accounted for another 5 of them.  But...

The night before we left for The River we all went to an Astros game.  We were with a Young Professionals group that Chris is a part of...and we felt very, very old.  Chris was doing more recruiting than anything else.

I continued to run almost every morning over the summer.  Because we had so much going, that often meant I was still getting up before 6am.  Summer relaxation, right?  BUT sometimes there are rewards for hard work and dedication, like getting to see a beautiful sunrise on the quiet path.

We spent lots of free time.  Most of it was in the pool:

But some of it wasn't.  Which is when we caught this guy.  Isn't he cute?

And one day we found Sam asleep in the hideout under his bed.  Like I said, it was a busy month!

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