Monday, September 28, 2015

June Fun

At this point I've brought you up to speed on the "big ticket" items that blocked out most of our summer.  Here's a little more on the day to day fun the filled the in between.

Old Friends
They walked into our home on the evening of the very first community group meeting we ever hosted.  We prayed for a lot of things for each other.  And they moved away.  She had met Sam - when he was 1.  They were in town for appointments at The Med Center, and we got to meet for lunch!  I got to meet her daughters, the ones she has spent the last few years bringing home from China.  My heart was happy.  (And then the kids and I hit up a park in our old neighborhood!)

There's all kinds of special offers provided by different bowling allies all summer long.  Fortunately a friend compared them all for me and presented me with the best deal.  As a thank you, we graced her family with our presence for some bowling fun.  We also went back later in the summer, just the three of us, when Sam was recovering from his week-long bug.

New People
Aunt Betty had her baby at the beginning of the summer.  We saw him when he was less than 12 hours old.  Hadn't had a bath yet!  We were all in awe.  New people are the coolest.  (Of course now I write this in September and he weighs not-even-2-pounds-less than Annabelle did at her first birthday.)

Don't make fun.  Chick-Fil-A brings legit joy to our family.  Did I tell you that they opened one about a mile from our house?  Yes, bike-ride-able.  We were counting down to the grand opening all spring.  And then they ran a Facebook promotion involving a chance to win entry to the Red Carpet Preview Night.  Spoiler Alert: I WON.  From the moment I found out until the night we went, the kids sang out every time we drove past, "11 days until it opens, but only 9 for us!" on down to the last day.  Y'all, set tables, assigned seating, red carpet, a tasting menu, tours of the kitchen, giveaways...Good times.  Aaaannnddd I bought these refillable mugs because they fill them up with their glorious diet lemonade for $0.50 (I suppose you could fill them with Diet Dr. Pepper.  Or even some other soda, but why would you?)  The continued to give us free food all summer.  Bless Them.

Blueberry Picking
You know we went.  Every June.  All 4 of us would be crushed to miss it.  It was a record breaking year for us: 16.92 pounds.  You'd be shocked to know how many we were able to eat fresh.  Yes, we have a stash in the freezer for the winter.  (Ugly, matching neon shirts strategically selected for easy visibility through rows of bushes.)

WOW Wednesday
Thus summer our church offered up a fun new program.  Each Wednesday morning was a 3 hour program for kids and moms to experience both together and separate.  A different theme each week (Bugs from the Museum of Natural Science, Sports, VBS work day, Robotics - we missed that week, boo! - service projects, etc.  We packed lunches to eat with friends and then stayed to play on the indoor playground.  Awesome program - hope they do it again next year!

No better way to spend a summer day.  We did lots, including one morning where I had both kids invite over a friend at the same time - and they weren't siblings!  It was a risk, but it worked beautifully.  I am so happy that we are building our network of playmates right here in our own neighborhood.

Other VBS
Did I mention that the kids went to a VBS at a church down the street?  That's right, THE KIDS.  They take 3 year olds even if mom doesn't volunteer.  Not a free VBS, but worth every penny.  Unfortunately one day was canceled due to a tropical storm that never happened, but the kids want to go back again next year.

Same idea: Sam did one day of Parents Day Out at Westwood Gymnastics.  He basically moves for 4 hours.  Again, money well spent.

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