Wednesday, February 25, 2009

28-Week Ultrasound

On February 10 we all went back to the doctor's office for a follow-up to the anatomy ultrasound. The tech really only needed to verify something about the heart, but she checked for everything all over again just to be sure. This time we had no trouble getting Poppy to move around - partly because the baby is 8 weeks more mature, and partly because I'd just finished drinking that nasty orange liquid they give you as a part of your glucose screening. That sugary stuff will make anyone squirm!

Apparently, when reading ultrasounds is your profession you can actually see things like kidneys, livers, etc. I can only see body parts - arms, legs, face, foot - so I was surprised that I could not only clearly make out the heart, but I could actually see all of the different chambers as they were beating. I've never seen my own heart beat, but I've seen my child's. Very cool.

This time we had to look away when the tech was checking on the anatomy "down there" so that we were sure to keep the gender a secret. She didn't have us do that last time. That could be because a) everything is now more developed, and thus more clear or b) its a girl and she wasn't worried about us figuring that out last time because there's not really much to see on a girl at 19 weeks. Which reminds me: I think my dad might know the gender. We took the DVD of our 19-week ultrasound to show my family at Christmas. Granted they barely used ultrasounds on pregnant women when my dad was in med school, but he does have a high level of familiarity with the human body. After the first viewing, he confidently declared that he did not figure out the gender, although he did try. After the second viewing, there were no confirmations or denials either way. Hmm...

When all was said and done we got another report that everything looks completely normal and healthy! Poppy weighed in at 2.5 pounds, which is right on schedule for our expected due date. We are out of reasons to schedule any more ultrasounds, so the next time we see Poppy it will be in the flesh!

Front-on Face Shot (top of the head facing right)

Bottom of a Foot (see the little toes!)

Two Legs (hard to see, but they're crossed)

Profile Shot (nose facing up)

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