Sunday, November 22, 2009

Places To Go!

Since he was just a few weeks old Sam has had the desire to be mobile. For a while this need was met by rolling over. Then sitting up provided a new view and the ability to reach, and he was content for a while longer. But now he's been sitting for a month and a half and I guess that was getting old too. So, last Wednesday (Nov. 18) Sam became mobile, and he couldn't be happier about it.

Right now its a true army crawl. He pulls his entire body weight with his arms, dragging his belly on the ground. He is experimenting with getting his knees up under him, and rocks a bit when I put him in that position, but for now the army crawl makes him pretty happy. This video is from his first day of mobility, and his speed and distance has already improved dramatically.

He is most motivated by "big boy toys." You put the laptop, cell phone, or remote on the floor and he'll scoot over to it in a matter of seconds. Gone are the days of leaving him to play on the blanket while I go grab a glass of least until I get around to baby-proofing the house.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness the most adorable video I have ever seen! It completely brightened my day and I was just cracking up the entire time. Keep it up Sam, you've almost got it!! said...

Watch this every day, sometimes more than once!