Friday, February 12, 2010


Well we've arrived: Sam's first (of hopefully many more) graduation. From what? You might ask. After all he is only nine months old. He's graduating from his classroom at the church nursery. He is no longer allowed to hang with the bitty babies in the Bunnies class. My baby boy is no longer a bitty baby. Now he's a Frog.

I'd been trying to avoid the transition because Sam has really come to love the caregivers in his room. He sees them every week, and they know his idiosyncrasies. But this week I got the email: "Umm...Sam's REALLY mobile now. I think its time to move him!"

This graduation, although sad for me, is a wonderful reminder of how spoiled we are by our church nursery. There are four classes for children under the age of 2! Not only are walkers separated from immobile ones, but crawlers are separated from both groups as well. I didn't really appreciate this until we visited our families' churches and I was surprised to find 2-year-olds in the same room as my then 3-month-old. Oh that makes a new momma nervous! And Sam's Bunnies class has 4-5 adults in the room each week, rather than 2-3 adults for ALL the under 2's we've seen other places. Oh and its all so organized! Now I realize that all of this is made possible by the sheer number of children at our church, but still, its a well-oiled machine.

Congratulations on your graduation, Squirmy!

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