Saturday, February 6, 2010

That Feels Weird!

I think my son has texture issues. Sounds weird, I know, but if you know his father (and aunt) you'll realize its not all the surprising. When we were dating, Chris informed me that he doesn't like "white foods." Later I realized that he doesn't like creamy foods, many of which just happen to be white. Seriously, who doesn't like whipped cream?

Anyways, back to Sam. I mentioned before that he loves his touch and feel books. At story time the other day he found the only mom in the room with fuzzy pants on, and spent some time feeling her lower leg. (Hmm, that would be disturbing if he were older.) He likes to slide along the non-slip mat in the tub, giggling at the way it feels. Its all very cute.

Until it comes to meal time. We've tried a whole host of finger foods, some of which he can't eat because he still has NO teeth. So I offer him a softer, almost mushy bit to try. He picks up these squishy foods, smashes them between his fingers, gives them a disturbed look, and drops them again. He will not put them anywhere near his mouth. Grr. So lots of crackers and cheerios for baby boy these days.

I think that if he understood that there was syrup on the bite of pancake that Grandpa offered him last weekend, he might have reconsidered his consumption of mushy foods.

1 comment: said...

I blame his Grandpa H. Has had some soft food issues as well - didn't like creme brulee or flan until recently. Don't know what to say about the whipped cream thing - just have no idea :) Still maintain it is a Hunniford thing - Ian wouldn't pick up a Pb&J until he was six!