Sunday, June 27, 2010

Little Boys

Sometimes little boys make big messes.

Sometimes little boys are able to clean up their messes.

Sometimes little boys get boo boos. Stupid Mosquito.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

3 Years

Yesterday Chris and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary. I secured "Aunt" Betty to babysit several weeks ago, but informed Chris that I didn't feel like planning anything. Fortunately for me, he took the reigns.

When we left the house I had a pretty good idea where we were headed for dinner, so I thought I'd figured out Chris's grand surprise. Well, I was right - he took me to a wonderful restaurant in the neighborhood that we've been meaning to try forever, and it was delicious. He even picked out a place downtown for us to grab some drinks afterward. I thought his selection of the lounge at Hotel Icon was a bit odd, but chalked it up to his wanting to surprise me with something new and different. We had a lovely time.

When we were done he suggested we walk around - weird, but the hotel is inside an old bank, so maybe he wanted to see the vault? Nope! He led me upstairs to our room for the night and informed me that Betty would be staying at our place all night! What a treat! He'd even left work early to check in and drop our stuff off so I wouldn't be suspicious of anything in the car. Betty and Chris can keep a good secret - I really had no idea (trust me, I would have cleaned my bedroom)!

Thank you, Chris, for my wonderful retreat! I love you! And thank you, Betty, for giving us our first night away together since Sam was born!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Ultimate Laundry Mishap

It was about an hour into Sam's afternoon nap. I'd already cleaned the kitchen and done some online reading about my new-to-me bread machine that I acquired this morning (for $10!). I decided it was time to get some ironing done.

I pulled out my ironing pile, took the board off that back of the laundry room board and set it up in my bedroom. I got out the iron, plugged it in, and filled it with water. I went back into the laundry room to grab the magic sizing, and as I reached for it I heard the door close. Instantly I realized what had just happened: I'd locked myself in the laundry room. Never had the notion of being held prisoner by the laundry rung more true.

You see, our house is 90 years old and has some additions to its original footprint. Houses like this have, shall we say, quirks. Ours is no exception. Our laundry room is off of our master bedroom (trust me, its actually really convenient, most of the time). The laundry room also has a glass panel door to the outside. Because of this second door, we've always kept the door between our room and the laundry room locked - with the kind of knob that has the twist button in the center to be easily locked from one side, but a key is needed on the other.

So I find myself on the side of the door that requires a key. Like a fool, I try to open the door, thinking that maybe this time it didn't lock when it latched. It did. I turn to look at the door to the outside - I'll go out that door and back in the side door that I know is unlocked. Let me just undo this lock, and this one, turn the handle and...there's a deadbolt at the top. For which I do not have a key.

Ok, I'm really stuck in here. My phone is plugged in on the nightstand. I look at the fire alarm - maybe if I set it off the firemen will come?! No, our security system is monitored and none of my neighbors are home during the day. Ok, think. How bad is this? Well, its 2:00 - Sam will sleep for another one to two hours. Chris will be home another two hours after that. Worst case is the kid screams in his crib for three hours until Chris gets home. Or today is the day he learns to climb out of his crib. Neither situation sounds appealing to me. But for the moment, he is safe. But I just plugged the iron in - what if it starts a fire? No, they shut off automatically.

I need a plan. There is always the option to break the glass in the exterior door, but something tells me Chris wouldn't appreciate that. File that under "last resort." Gotta get one of the doors open. Must find tools. In a laundry room? I'll tell you, there were no tools. But there was a sewing box with safety pins and a seam ripper.

I begin my attempts to pick the interior lock with my safety pin. I half expected it to just pop open, like you always see happen on tv. The thing is, I don't know how to pick a lock! I fiddle around, and I can feel something moving in there, but the lock isn't budging. I tried picking the deadbolt on the other door - that definitely wasn't going to happen. Back to door one.

My safety pin wasn't getting me anywhere, so I pondered the seam ripper. I grew concerned that jamming it into the lock could break my seam ripper. "You can buy a new one - your child is alone on the other side of that locked door, you moron!" Ok, ok, into the lock it went. It wasn't working either.

Back to door number two. The seam ripper was useless there as well. I pondered the hinges on both doors. Surely I could just pop the hinges out, pop the door off, and be free. "With what tools?!" I actually half attempted this with the scissors that were in my sewing box, but the hinges had been painted over since the doors were hung and it was clear they weren't going anywhere without REAL tools.

I thought again about breaking the glass, and realized even if I wanted to that would be difficult with the lack of tools in my current possession. And the mess! I settled on the notion that picking the interior lock was going to be my only way out. I had at least 45 minutes until Sam would wake up, so just keep trying. Just keep trying.

As I kept trying, I prayed that God would get me out. Then I thought how wonderful it would be if someone happened to drop by right now. I have one friend who needed to return something to me, maybe she would drop by. I have another friend who never knocks when she comes over - that would be ideal! I looked out the glass paneled door, and neither was there.

About 20 minutes into my adventure, the seam ripper broke.

I kept trying to pick the lock. I was getting really hot. Did I mention that the add-on laundry room isn't climate controlled, and its June, in Houston? And by this point I'd broken my thumbnail too. To be honest, I really thought that eventually I'd get that door open. And I'd have this great McGyver-esk story to tell about freeing myself with nothing but a safety pin and a seam ripper - a broken seam ripper.

I think because I really believed this, I was never really scared. I probably should have been. And maybe in another 30 minutes I would have been. But then it happened.

I looked out the door again and I saw someone walking along the sidewalk. He's singing and swinging his 7-up bottle. My mind begins to race: He's a crazy person (there are lots in our neighborhood. Including one guy who runs around in a pink tutu - yes a grown man. But that's another post). Maybe, maybe not, but he's probably my only shot. Do I do it? I think I have to.

I start banging on the door. My crazy man turns, looks at me and waves, then keeps walking. NO!!! I start banging again. He looks at me again. I start to motion for him to walk towards me. He looked confused, and then he starts to walk towards me. As he's walking I realize that he's not a crazy man, but a 13 year old boy who was walking home from Summer School.

He comes right up to the door and says "Hello!" I tell him that I'm locked in this room, he puts his ear to the glass to hear better. I repeat myself. He looks confused. I tell him to go through the unlocked side door, come to the back corner of the house, and open the door. He agrees. I watch him through the glass until I can't see him anymore.

I freak out. I just invited a complete stranger into my home while I am locked in the laundry room and my baby is sleeping in his crib. This stranger could steal my baby, my things. A few moments later I hear him call out "hello?" "Back here!" I yell through the door. "Oh..." A few more moments. He should be here by now, its a small house! "In the back corner" I yell to him. "Oh I see!" I hear in reply. A moment later he opens the door. I am free.

I thank him profusely, explaining at the same time how the door locks from the other side. Its no use though, I certainly look like the crazy one in this situation. He happily replies that its no problem, and trots back through the door he entered by.

And just like that my savior and his 7-up were gone. My ordeal was over. All in all it only lasted 27 minutes. It felt like an eternity.

So what are the morals to this story:
1. Laundry is dangerous? Ehh, probably not.
2. Its best to always leave one door in your house unlocked? Under most circumstances, no.
3. Always feel free to invite strangers off the street into your home? Usually not the BEST idea.
4. Don't keep your laundry room door locked? Probably not a practical application for most.
5. Just because you're a 13 year old boy stuck in summer school doesn't mean you aren't the answer to someone's prayer? Yeah, that sounds good.

The Lord is good for sending a sane, friendly boy to rescue me. And it turns out, he wasn't even cutting it close. I still had time to finish my ironing and type this post before Sam woke up from his nap.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Pictures

It looks like my sister is using her Saturday to upload pictures to Facebook...lots of them. I just yanked these Thanksgiving pics from her page.*

Hanging out at Kristen and George's house on base in Oceanside, CA.

We all "ran" (my mom and I walked as Sam had no interest in the stroller and we took turns carrying him) in a 5k at 7am on Thanksgiving morning. It was COLD that morning.

Sam got a Finisher's Medal! He still plays with it. Daddy picked out that Thanksgiving Day outfit for him!

The race finished along the beach!

This trip was the only time that the WHOLE family has ever been together!

Uncle Matt entertaining Sam at a restaurant.

Grandpa gave Sam his first french fry that weekend - he's still a big fan!

*No, I don't have a Facebook page. My husband is "friends" with my sister.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


To say that Sam loves to play outside would be an extreme understatement.

I don't bother to put shoes on him when we're staying inside, so he now knows that shoes mean outside. I'll hold them up and ask if he wants to put them on. He walks over to me, turns around, and sticks his little butt out (an indication that he'd like to sit in my lap). I put the shoes on him, prop him back on his feet and the child makes a beeline for the front door. He's there waiting for me, trying to pull it open by sheer force (not by the handle!), until I manage to catch up to him.

Once outside, he heads for the shed where he knows the toys are stored. He climbs up the step often before I even get the door unlocked. He knows exactly where to find his rake and shovel, grabs them, and heads back out. He only looks back at me when he needs help getting down the step.

He goes and goes until his little cheeks are bright red. Of course, that doesn't take long during the summer in Houston, so we bring water out with us. He's as happy as can be...until its time to come inside. And then he cries. Every time.

Yesterday he was definitely not ready to come inside. Once inside, I took his shoes off and gave him more water. A few fussy minutes later he collected his shoes and handed them back to me. "Sorry, buddy, we're done outside for the day." And I put the shoes away. He collected his shoes again and this time went to stand by the front door. I again explained we were done out there. His third try involved bringing me my shoes to put on. Too cute. I was finally able to distract with with a graham cracker.

I wish I could take him outside all day, but alas we would both melt. Water and shade are our friends right now. I'm counting the days until October when this heat goes away!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Birthday Weekend

We had a very busy weekend of activity to celebrate my Sam's first birthday. The little boy was fortunate to have Grandma and Grandpa Sivard come into town the night before (Thursday), and Uncle Matt joined the fun on Friday evening.

It was important to me that everyone know that it was my son's special day, so I made him a birthday t-shirt to wear on the 30th. The front says "Today I am 1," and the back says "Birtday Boy." That's right, birtday - with no h. We were about 75% through the day before we realized the h was missing. Sigh...

The shirt worked though, because Sam got many birthday wishes when we took him to play at his favorite place - The Children's Museum. He was also treated to french fries (he'd already eaten his "real" dinner) and bird chasing on the patio of his favorite restaurant, Little Bigs, while the rest of us enjoyed our sliders.
After dinner we went home to open presents. The pile of gifts that had arrived even before his party was rediculous. He immediately took to a few favorites, but still doesn't really get the concept of opening. Tissue paper is fun though!

Saturday was the big party. We invited our church Community Group, some neighbors, and some friends and we realized how much our group of friends has changed in the last year. There were over 10 children under the age of 4 there! It was really fun to have such a crowd out in front of our house and to see all the children playing. We ate dinner and cake and just played and chatted. Of course I planned an outdoor birthday party for the weekend that summer arrived in Houston, but I think everyone had a nice time in spite of the heat. Sam did enjoy playing in his cake, but I think he only got as far as the frosting. Too bad for him, because it was goooooood cake.

Sunday we were all exhausted so we took it easy. We went out to brunch after church, where Sam thrilled the other diners with his enthusiasm for black beans, hung out in the yard, and took a walk. We all deserved a rest after the work of Saturday. Yes, I put my house guests to work. Grandpa, Uncle Matt, and Chris did a TON of work out in the yard while Grandma and I decorated and made all the food. We could not have pulled off the lovely party without all of their help!

Grandma and Grandpa stayed until Monday, so they got to attend yet another well-visit with us. I think our pediatrician might soon think I'm incapable of bringing Sam to an appointment by myself. The appointment was fine, we learned that he's still small and that his lack of talking is fine for his age. But then there was the blood draw. Ohhh the horror. First there was the tiny, crowded, hot waiting room. Then there was the prick, and the scream - both of which seemed to last for 5 minutes. When he and I came out the whole waiting room gave us sympathetic looks - oh yeah, they could all hear. I'm not sure I'll be subjecting my son to anymore "routine" blood tests!

So now he's 13 months and you're all caught up from his birthday. Sorry about that. I'll put more pictures from his party into his web album, so click on the link to the left to view them.

4 Teeth

Just thought I'd drop you a quick note to let you know that Sam now has four teeth. The top left front tooth started to pop through at the end of last week, and we decided yesterday that we definitely see the top right front tooth as well. Kinda funny though, because his first two teeth still aren't all the way in. I think its really going to change the way his smile looks to have some top teeth in there! Hopefully it will mean an easier time with table foods as well.