Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Due Date

March 14th. Today was the date that was glued into my brain for 8.5 months. Today was my due date. Funny how a date that held so much meaning - excitement, pressure, anticipation, anxiety - can quickly become so meaningless! How long does it take to forget your due date? I still do a double take when May 6 pops up on the calendar, but since Sam was 6 days early that date is meaningless, too.

Instead of today being the day, it is Annabelle's 2 week birthday! Has it been that long already? Is she so un-new already? If you looked at Sam, you'd think she's been around forever. In his eyes she slid right into the family. Of course it would be a lot easier to see it that way if you weren't up with her from 2-4am, but I am so very thankful that he sees it that way. I guess in a way I feel that way, too - she certainly slid in easier than Sam did! But life isn't normal yet. My mom just went home on Saturday and Chris is taking a few days off this week to provide back-up while Sam is on Spring Break.

But Sam and I did a big Kroger run and I've been to the gym twice now, we went to church and I cooked a meal. These are good things, moving us back in the direction of a new normal. Check back in with me next week to see how many of those things I've accomplished once I have no daytime help at all!

As for the Little Lady, what's she up to on her 2-week birthday? Mostly newborn stuff. Eating, sleeping and dirtying her diapers. She is pretty good about eating every 2.5-3 hours during the day, but night seem to be a bit less consistent and seem to hold her more alert periods. We'll have to see what we can do about that! We now know that she prefers to be as much under water as possible during her baths and is too confused by the pacifier to effectively introduce it quite yet. She likes to be swaddled because her hands and arms still confuse her. If she isn't swaddled and is the slightest bit awake, she'd like you to hold her hands. Sam is good at this job. She hates being placed into the car seat, but tolerates it well once she is given the chance to fall asleep in it. She is still in newborn clothes and diapers, both of which Sam was out of by two weeks.

And she is still precious to look at and hold - even at 3am.

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