Friday, March 16, 2012

The Protector

So far I could not be more pleased with Sam's adjustment to life with Annabelle. He loves her when interested, and ignores her when he's too busy to be bothered. Really, that works well for all concerned. Only once has he told me that he didn't want me to feed her but to take him outside instead. Hopefully this positive trend continues when the three of us are on our own next week!

Regardless of what he's up to, he always wants people to know that she is HIS baby sister. And whether he realizes it or not, he is always protecting her.

Last Sunday the four of us went to church together for the first time. We had Little Lady in her car seat all covered up by a draped blanket to protect her from the world. (Note: this arrangement has become recognizable as the sign for "I am new. Please don't touch or breath on me. Except if you're an old women - they don't seem to get it.) Well, we did lift her "shield" for a few minutes to show her off to a few friends, and in doing so we set her, in the seat, down on the ground. Sam plopped himself down next to her, continually rearranging her blanket, lifting the strap adjuster off the ground, and generally staying as close and he could to her. It took us a minute to realize, but Chris and I eventually figured out that he had taken this position to stay between her and everyone else. He didn't leave her side until her "shield" was lowered.

I can't wait to see how this plays out when they are teenagers!

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