Wednesday, March 7, 2012

One Week

Annabelle is officially one week old today. Is it weird that I am sad about that? With each passing day she is just a little bit less of a newborn. Part of me wants the newness to never wear off. Of course, another part can't wait to watch her grow and explore her world, just like Sam is now. And there is a tiny part that wants her to sleep through the night, but even that isn't so bad.

In sharp contrast to her brother, the little lady has already been on two outings! Yesterday, while Sam was at preschool, we took her on her first shopping trip! She is now the proud owner of a few super cute outfits that will be perfect for our beach trip in July. And this morning she joined us at bible study. I received several comments from people who couldn't believe I made it there, but in all truth it was easier this week than it will be in weeks to come. See, this morning while I finished nursing, my mom packed my diaper bag, loaded Sam in the car, etc. We also enjoyed our first afternoon walk to get "special drinks" - Sam in the stroller and Annabelle in the wrap. Success!

The major milestone of week one is the loss of the umbilical cord stump. That happened on Monday, which was day 5. This is a good thing, because petite miss does not enjoy being cold. Sponge baths were not a happy time in her life. The adorable hat made her feel better afterward.

At her check-up on Monday the doctor thought she was the slightest bit yellow, so she enjoyed a bit of sunbathing as well.

We've had fun introducing her to a few friends who have dropped by and in continuing to learn more about her quarks and tiny personality. For example, she is bad at burping but needs to because she is quite the spitter. And when she needs to burp she goes back and forth between trying to snack and squirming all over the place.

Let's see what week two brings!

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