Monday, March 11, 2013

12 Month Stats

We had to visit the doctor this week - well visits are less fun when you know they will be followed by blood draws.  And she wasn't even all the way well.  Poor girl has had a cold for over a week.  Yuck!  Doctor said the cold was nothing and she could go ahead with the shots, but I'm pretty sure that made things worse.  That girl was MISERABLE for about 48 hours afterward.  High fever and just super-clingy to Mommy.  Poor girl!

Fortunately, the blood draw was not nearly as dramatic for her as it was for Sam (shocking - Sam dramatic?!).  Not sure the tech had much experience with babies, but we got through it.  And her blood work came back normal, so that's a plus.

As for the stats: She weighed in at 17 lbs even.  It flicked between 17 even and 16 lbs 15.8 oz.  I prefer to call it 17.  But that is all the way up to the 9th percentile.  Woohoo!  28.5 Inches long, which is 24th percentile.  Funny, Sam was half a pound larger and not on the charts.  I guess they expect girls to be more petite even at a young age!


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