Friday, March 1, 2013

1 Year Old.

Discussion over.  No matter how you count it, my daughter has now been here for a full year.  12 Months.  Every season, every holiday.  Through the difficult (on Mama) stages of infancy and through to the adventures of toddlerhood...

Although not quite toddling, the child gets around.  Rarely have you seen a baby crawl so fast.  She lacks a great deal of confidence in her abilities.  It seems she may be a bit timid about new things!  We have seen her take up to 5 steps at a time, but really doesn't like to walk unless she's holding your hand.  And that's all she needs, one finger.  People keep telling me, "be careful what you wish for!" but I know what I'm wishing for!  I'm wishing for a child who doesn't rip up her clothes and get covered in dirt every time we go to the playground.  I am wishing for two kids who can do more of the same activities as each other, making my day planning a bit simpler.  Even if that means my house gets messier...  Although she doesn't walk, she is an incredible climber.  She climbed a 4' cargo net in the big kid section of the Children's Museum last week.  Crazy!

Another way she shows her timidness is her responses to situations.  When someone steals a toy she is playing with, she just sits there and cries, waiting for someone to fix it for her.  When things aren't going her way, she just wants to be held. 

She loves music.  She smiles when you sing to her and loves to dance when you turn on the radio.  If she's upset in the car (which doesn't happen much anymore), she will calm down if Sam sings to her.

She now has separation anxiety.  She cried the entire time I was on the treadmill the other day.  She does a little better at church, but doesn't love it.  Hopefully this passes quickly.  She is very attached to me, in particular.

She is growing fond of routine.  She knows that Daddy tends to come home when she is finishing up dinner, and he gets her down and cleans her up.  So the other day when Daddy came home right as I put her in, before she'd had a bite to eat, she lost it when she saw him, certain that he'd take her out before she'd been fed.  HA!  She loves her bath, zooms to the bathroom if she hears the shower curtain open or the water running.  Splashing with her brother is her favorite game.  And then she looks for me and her blankie, ready for bed.

Baby Girl wears size three diapers and can fit into anywhere from 9-18 month clothing.  She takes two naps a day, both of which would be really long if it were just the two of us on her schedule every day.  She sleeps 11 hours at night. 

We are still nursing first thing in the morning and right before bed, but that's it.  And there isn't a whole lot of nourishment in either feeding.  She is adapting to whole milk, she does drink it out of a sippy cup with meals.  Not a lot, though, never more than 8 oz a day.  My kiddos have never been big drinkers.  She is offended by the notion of being spoon fed.  She literally turns her head and sobs if you try.  But she STILL has NO teeth, so there are certain things she can't eat.  So I got these and have been having fun putting really random combinations into them and watching her suck them down.  Honestly- I put kale, carrot, scrambled egg and cantaloupe in one last night and she devoured it.  Gross!

-Crawling/Chasing Game with Sam
-The "Dump" side of the "Fill and Dumb"

-Being Spoon-Fed
-Wind (Still!)

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