Thursday, July 10, 2014

4th of July Traditions

Well, in true Sivard Holiday form, it seems that our little family has developed a bit of a 4th of July Tradition.  This year's celebration looked an awful lot like last years.  Boring, you say?  Well it seems that even Sam appreciates some predictability year after year.

So the morning held our neighborhood bike parade, led by a local fire truck.  Enjoy these pictures, because they are the only ones I took all day - oops.  This year we actually knew some of our neighbors, which made the whole thing a lot more fun.  All told by the time we made it home, Sam scootered almost 2.5 miles (that with the swimming, not surprising he took a nap!).

The parade ends at the neighborhood pool and it is safe to say that this is the most action it sees all year (aside from swim meets).  We all had fun changing it up from the backyard pool, Sam rocked the diving board.  The kids ate more fruit snacks than I can count - I'm literally not kidding.  I lost count when Sam was at 5 packs.

The early afternoon found my husband going all MacGyver on our pool filter.  There may still be rope holding that thing together...

Then it was time for us to host another pool party.  This one tends to be well-attended for us - if you're in town, who doesn't want to swim on the 4th?!  As per usual, our kiddos had a blast, barely ate and our play room looked like a bomb exploded.  I set a new record for tiniest baby I've held - 5 pounds at 3 weeks old.  And no, she wasn't premature! 

Our guests trickled out starting around 7, but a few hung with us until almost midnight - we're so cool.  They hung on for our fireworks, which you can set off right in the street.  Sam enjoyed the sparklers and fireworks, Annabelle not so much.  Or at all.  That doesn't cover it - they literally terrified her.  She clung to me, shaking, wouldn't even look at them.  Ran inside with daddy at the first offer and gladly went to bed.  I think she had PTSD from it all, too - for two days every noise she heard sent her jumping into my arms (ice maker, car starting, thunder).  Today, 6 days after, is the first that she hasn't said "fire all gone?" before she even left her bed in the morning.  Poor girl!

But it was a fun day all around.  Can't wait for more of the same next year!

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