Sunday, July 6, 2014

HHI 2014

This time we were home for an entire two weeks before we hit the road again, and this time we literally hit the road.  Another looong Hunniford road trip in the books.  I'm getting better at it though, as I can rely less and less on naps and being entertained by looking out this window I am learning to prepare more and more.  I had a few new tricks up my sleeve, the most popular of which was the "activity bags" I prepared ahead of time.  Some were actual new activities, while some contained bags of pretzels, crayons or candy.  Funny how even a mundane snack is more entertaining when its unwrapped!

We made excellent time on the drive there, even with 2 one-hour stops plus a middle of the night gas stop, and arrived at our rental house at 9:45am (check in is at 4pm, but we knew this).  We walked to the beach where, once again, my son literally hit the ground running.  Notice in the picture below that his feet are not actually on the ground.  His happy place, without question.  We met up with the childless 4 for lunch at the Frosty Frog (apparently a new "day 1" tradition!) and then killed time with Molly in the yard before our entry code worked.

All 11 (12, really) together finally.  In an amazing 5-bedroom, 7-bathroom (one outside at the pool) house complete with outdoor fireplace, pool, media room, "smart features" and a short walk to the beach.  Our two slept in the bunk room next door to our room (we got the small room and bathroom, but we didn't have to share with the kids so we felt like we hit the jackpot).  Annabelle slept in a top bunk.  Yup, transitioned from crib to top bunk in a 9 day span.  And I will never have to pack a pack 'n play again!!!

Each day of the trip greatly resembled the others - Sam would wake early, we'd hang in the house until about 10 (I went for a run a few times) and then we'd mosey down to the beach.  We would dig and swim and spin and take walks and jump and look at wildlife that had washed ashore.  Every day around 11 we were greeted by a pod of dolphins that swam so close to use that we - and I'm not exaggerating - could have swam our and played with them.  We chose to respect their space.  When I spotted the first one when we very first arrived, my instinct was to grab the kids out of the water (see last year's visitor here).  Then I realized the different fin shape and swimming pattern and gladly taught my kids to look for them.  We even saw them fish one day - much more eventful swimming pattern!  On morning two my parents and I spotted them as we returned from a beach walk and called out to my brother - he RAN to tell my sister so she wouldn't miss them.  I thought it very sweet that he, knowing how fascinated she has been with them her whole life, made such a point to include her in the moment.

Sam spent a great deal of time perfecting his body surfing with Papa and Uncle Matt.  He also wore out all of the adult men in an unending desire to be spun and thrown in the waves.  Thank goodness for Uncle George, because Sam is not as small as he used to be!  He still thinks its hysterical when waves crash into him and is not the least bit phased by ocean water all over his face.  This year he like to walk out as deep as he could in the ocean with no fear at all.  We can't vacation anywhere with a strong undertow with the one!  He is getting pretty good at building sand castles, learning to pack the sand and flip it carefully, but honestly he enjoys crushing them as much as constructing them.  We spent a good deal of time reprimanding about sand throwing - maybe next year he will have finally grown out of that?

Annabelle was hesitant to go to the beach each day, not because she dislikes it (thankfully we had no "I won't touch the sand issues") but because she loved the pool so much.  She, too, loved to be spun in circles and liked to jump over the last bit of a wave that "crashed" on her ankles.  She would go deep when being held but preferred not to have salt water on her face.  I don't blame her on that one.  She would dig for a bit, but really enjoyed pouring water back and forth between buckets and returning to the ocean to collect more.  A few times she joined the grown ups on a beach walk, a fell asleep on two of those walks.  Poor girl was exhausted trying to keep up with Sam and Molly all week.  And honestly, that was her greatest desire all week - to keep up and be included in what everyone else was doing.  If you ask her about jelly fish, she will tell you they are hot.  There were a few mornings that the beach was littered with tiny ones, and we figured that the easiest way to get her to stay away from them.  She bought in hook, line and sinker!

There was a lovely, huge driftwood log by our beach campsite that I announced on day 1 would look lovely in my home.  Thursday morning found my husband planning, scrounging and eventually going all McGyver/Bear Grills on that log to cut it in half without a saw.  Eventually the job was accomplished, and I will forever hold the picture of the four men with that thing on their shoulders, carrying it up the steps and down the path to our house, with Sam and Molly leading their way waving pirate flags.  Awesome.  Friday afternoon Chris spent several hours (the rest of us played catch phrase) cutting it down more, the end of the job requiring four of us twisting it, jumping on it, sawing at it - but success came!  And now the log is drying in our garage, awaiting final placement in my home.  Thanks, babe!

Lunches were consumed outside and afternoons at the pool.  We managed to get at least a few kid-free minutes by the pool every day, and I read almost an entire book, but I'm pretty sure this will be the last year that happens.  I was pleased that we wore Sam out enough at the beach that he would sleep for about an hour or two each day, but after a year of kindergarten I have no illusions that he will fall for that in 2015.

Sam showed off his skills in the pool, he is truly an excellent "play swimmer."  His stroke technique still needs work, but there is no part of me that fears for him in the water.  Ok, the part where he does something stupid and hits his head is there, but I'm not sure that will go away until he is an adult.  Boys do stupid things.  Again he took advantage of the multiple adults available to throw him, and he and Molly played with rockets and princess diving sticks alike.

Annabelle came alive in the pool this year.  Her happy place of the week, without question.  She jumped off the side without hesitation, allowed people to throw her, tried her hand at dive sticks, swam short distances.  She's actually getting really good for a two year old!  But holy cow does she scare me!  She jumps off the side with no adult next to her.  She slides off of the raft without warning.  she swims off the step unannounced - this is the worst because its silent!  She turns around and shimmies back to the step, but sometimes she can't make it alone.  She's since done it at home - I was in the pool but on the far side.  Thankfully Sam saw and pushed her back to the step.  Honestly, she can hold her breath longer than I'm giving her credit for, but I am very ready for her to return to swim lessons this week!  Anywho, she was so happy to swim with everyone.  Delighted to jump in unison with the other kids, declaring "one, two, fwee BUBBLES!" with glee.  And the first time she jumped from the wall and swam to the step without assistance - I have never seen such pride in her face!  I will say this: there are fewer things I enjoy more in life than seeing my children experience
true joy.

Evenings were no less enjoyable.  We ate in several times - once the meal I'd prepared and frozen ahead of time, once pizza in the media room during the World Cup game, and on the last night Kristen and George made sliders while we welcomed "Special Kristen" to the party as she awaited her family's arrival the next day.  That night we put the outdoor fireplace to use and made s'mores!  My kids, of course, only wanted plane marshmallows.  And we all sweat because it is too hot for fires in the summer.  But it was fun! 

 On the 23rd Chris and I again enjoyed a date night to celebrate our 7th anniversary.  We waved at Kristen and George who were enjoying a "pre-baby date" two tables down.  At one point I got up to use the restroom and the old man sitting at the table next to use, who had been referring to "the war" all evening, complimented my table manners to Chris.  Really not sure how to take that one...

We also took the whole crew out to eat three times.  First was The Wreck of the Salty Dog, because you have to stop by the Salty Dog Camp while in Hilton Head.  Annabelle got a fishy painted on her arm, the kids listened to some horrible singing, and Sam showed great restraint and understanding of the fact that he'd get one souvenir for the week - honestly, I know how hard it is for him to pass up the "right now" the promise of something better, a real growth moment for him.

Next up was Kurama.  We sat at a "pit" table and reminiced of the year a toddler Sarah Ferguson bounced on cushions around the same table.  Sarah was proposed to on the Island less than a week later...  Sam loved every minute of the show and ate almost every bite of the food he was served.  He ate a ton all week actually, and we're still relatively certain he lost weight on the trip.  I did not.  Anywho, Annabelle tollerated most of the show but recognized the place immediately and reminded me when we sat down that she cried the last time we took her to a place like this.  She did not cry this time, but she did cling to me for dear life when the fire came, and prefered to sit in a lap after that.

We hit up Pireate's Island Putt Putt after Kurama and it was so packed that our crew of 11 including 3 preschoolers didn't slow a single person down.  We actually had to wait at every hole!  But we had fun, and some of us kept score.  I ended up owing Chris and 10 minute back rub.  Annabelle gave up around hole 12 - poor girl was exhausted.  Sam and Molly were warned ahead of time an neither cried when their balls disappeard at the 18th hole - a real victory in my book.  There was even minimal fighting over who got to go first and who got to pull Gommy's ball out of the hole.

Thursday was Harbor Town.  A trip of the light house, a purchased souvenir, a loooong wait for Crazy Crab...rumor has it that George consumed 20 hush puppies.  As the meal was wrapping up the dads took the kids out to Greg Russel.  I got a text telling me that Sam went up to sit on the stage, and then learned that he took Molly by the hand to lead her up there as well.  They sat at the back and went up and down a few times, but their parents were not near them (it was crowded) and they were truly interested in the show.  I was so proud of them!  We ended up bailing before the end because our kids were pooped, but both Sam and Molly have talked about Greg Russel again since returning home.  I have no idea how long that man will continue to perform family-friendly shows under the Liberty Tree, but I am grateful to share a treasured childhood experience of mine with my kids.

This year we spread our packing between Friday night and Saturday morning.  That, combined with the fact that we bring a bit less baby stuff each year, and NO car top carrier this year, meant a stress free exit from the house this year.  No one was in a rush to leave this time, we've learned how to avoid traffic both on and off the island, and then there were a few flight times to coordinate with.  We dragged Special Kristen back to Harbor Town with us for a bit of time on the playground, some boat "shopping" (Annabelle: "Wook!  Big boat!  I go on it lwader, k mama?"), and a few went back up the light house.  Then it was a farewell lunch at Hilton Head Diner, where we once again shared Oreo Pancakes around the table.  It was there that we said goodbye, although half of us hung around long enough to greet the first car of Fergusons to good to hug them, especially in Hilton Head!

We made good time on the trip back again.  Sam threw up about an hour into the trip, even with his motion sickness patch (I think I need to put it on earlier next time).  The kids did well on the trip, although no one got a ton of sleep.  When we arrived home at 5am we all crawled into our own beds and slept for 2 (Sam), 3 (adults) or 4 (Annabell) hours and managed to feel decent the rest of the day.

And all 11 (12) of us are already thinking about booking that house again next year...

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