Thursday, July 10, 2014

Big Girl Lesson

As much success and progress and Sam experienced at swim lessons last year, Annabelle seems to be on that track this summer.  Before we left for Hilton Head, she graduated from "Mommy-and-Me" lessons to the "by-instructor-permission-only" Tadpole class designed for kids to young for regular classes but too skilled for the baby pool.

I knew she was ready swimming wise, and after a few months at the facility with me and two years watching Sam, I knew she was comfortable in the environment.  But WHAT was going to happen when my not-yet-2.5-year-old was asked to walk through the doors by herself?

We prepped her, Sam and I both.  Explained, demonstrated, talked it up.  Got there early.  He took her close to the door to wait for the bell, he likes to be first through (shocker).

The bell rings and she SPRINTS back to me yelling, "Mommy da bell winging!  Da bell winging!"  So excited, but running the wrong way.  I walked her back, Sam was waiting just inside the door.  As I walked to the viewing window I heard him say "don't forget my sister!"  He walked with her as far as they let him, making sure she went the right way to find her teacher.

She rocked it.  Super confident the whole lesson.  Not one tear, not one hesitation.  Did everything she was asked, even back-floated a bit.  She and Sam waved at each other from their steps, and as they kicked by.  Only two in her class, both with older brothers in Sam's class, so the teacher stopped by to give high fives on the way to do monkey walks. 

When lessons were over, there was no lifeguard readily available to escort the tadpoles, so Ms. Heather (who taught Sam this spring), tapped Sam and asked him to walk his sister out.  He made sure she followed AND got her "wa-pop" (lollipop) at the door.  Sam rocked the big brother role today.

As I wrapped my shaking daughter in her towel I asked her if she had fun.  "Big swide!  I went down da big swide!"  Yes you did baby girl - you've been eyeing it for months and now you are a big girl who goes down the big slide.  I'm so proud of you!

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