Tuesday, July 29, 2014

VBS 2014: The Greatest Treasure Hunt

Jesus is our Greatest Treasure...


That is, if you are not a 5-year-old boy who misunderstood the first time and subsequently refused to believe that everyone else in the sanctuary was shouting "EUREKA!" every time that phrase was uttered during our week-long adventure.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Last week was VBS at our church!  Really, its one of our favorite weeks of the summer.  Exhausting, yes (Sam took 2 naps, I took 3!) and a lot of work for a lot of people, but its also a lot of fun.  Its fun for me to be around so many moms for 5 mornings in a row, fun activities for the kiddos, just fun!

Both kiddos were pretty excited to find one of their bedtime songs on this year's CD - they both already knew the words!

This year was Sam's first in what I now refer to as "Big VBS."  He did the elementary stations, just like the 5th graders.  And he LOVED it.  Our Children's Ministry Staff wrote the entire VBS this year - including the music - and they did a great job.  Sam was totally into the treasure hunting, decoding in his Field Notebook, experimenting in the Field Lab, he even learned some new-to-him bible stories!  He put solid effort into memorizing his bible verse and we had some good discussions each day about what he learned.  He even played archeologist one day!

Aunt Betty came out of a short VBS retirement just to be Sam's Crew Leader this year.  She really prefers leading groups of 5-year-olds, so this was their year to be together.  I'm so thankful that they got to spend this time together, they have a special relationship.  True Story: On Thursday afternoon Sam said that he wouldn't be sad for VBS to be over, except for Aunt Betty because he liked seeing her every day. 

This was the first year that Sam and his buddy Miles weren't in a crew together, but that didn't stop them from slipping back into old routines while their moms wrapped up each day!

Annabelle also got to enjoy a VBS first  this year - her first year in "Preschool VBS."  Turns out we have so many young families, and young mom's who bring their littles when they volunteer, that it is worth our while to create an entire parallel program just for our preschoolers.  This week often proves to be A LOT for the two-year-olds, as very few of them are used to being in a group setting 5 days in a row.  Sam was only so-so on the experience when he was two.  But I must say, my baby girl rocked it.  I was in and out of her class and room all week and she never missed a beat, never asked me to stay or got upset when I left, yet often leaned out her door (with the help of an adoring Jr. Counselor) to wave at me.  She participated in all her activities, paid attention to her teachers and got bits and pieces of her stories!

Really, she was pumped to be included.  "I come too?  Where's my BBS?"  (translation: Don't leave me behind!  Where is my VBS shirt?!)  She wore that little white shirt with pride every day!  She told me "I wuv BBS!" and asked to go back every day.  This girl is so ready for preschool!

This morning Annabelle asked if we would go to church today.  She didn't understand when I said no, and I guess it makes sense - the kids and I were up at the church 8 out of 10 days.  Sam is starting to feel like he owns the place, which could get dangerous here soon.  But when Mom has to be one of the first there and last to leave each day, and you hang out for 5 hours before it even starts so Mom can help prep, its only natural to start to feel at home.

Why so early and often?  Because I spent my week as Preschool Director.  Sounds so important, doesn't it?  I promise it sounds way more impressive than it was.  First, I was one of two, second, the station leaders do their own plans/planning and third, Patti and the "Big VBS" directors do the real heavy lifting.  But someone has to be there as an overseer/catchall, and I was happy to oblige.  Monday morning was a bit of a tricky start, but once we got some kinks worked out on day 2, it was seriously smooth sailing the rest of the week.  By Thursday, Julie and I actually had one of the easier jobs in the building!

Friday night we finally got to bring Daddy along to the VBS Oasis.  Dinner at the church, a short program and then a carnival outside.  They called all the directors up to the front to get flowers, which truly embarrassed me because I REALLY didn't do that much (see above).  But they are beautiful and smell amazing so I'll keep them.  Annabelle found her happy place, "jumping!  jumping!  Wook, I jumping!"  That's all she did.  Sam ran around between bouncy obstacle course and playing games that awarded prizes.  The boy will do anything for a piece of carnival crap!

We are all recovered now and will be pumped when VBS rolls around next year!

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