Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day to Day...

I was going to tell you that Annabelle helped me vote this year, but technically it was Annabelle who voted this year!  That BIG RED BUTTON was calling her name.  She could hardly contain herself while I reviewed my choices.  "Time for the button?  I push the button?"  So she pushed the button labeled "cast ballot," and unofficially voted for the first time.

"Mommy, how they do DAT?!"  Oh baby girl, those are the Rockettes.  Aren't they amazing?  Do you want to learn how?  Yes?  I will sign you up as soon as I can!

"Duckie wants to color, too.  We boff have gween.  Here Duckie, I hewp you!" (That is Sam's Duckie.  Sometimes we get in trouble if Duckie moves while he's at school.  Thankfully this time everyone was cool with Duckie's daytime adventures.)

A couple of weeks ago I realized that I still didn't really know any of the other moms from Annabelle's preschool class.  Something about the drop-off/pick-up schedule, the busy moms and the fact that the class is almost entirely second a third kids, we just hadn't all clicked yet.  And it was bothering me, because my girl talks about her friends all the time and I didn't know them!  I just couldn't figure out how to get to know them at school on our limited time and tight schedules.  So I prayed about developing relationships there.  And the next morning I woke with the thought, "Duh, you have ALL their email addresses."  One group email sent, one class playdate scheduled.  I was worried that no one would come, but the response was very positive and the other moms were so glad that I took the initiative to schedule it.  Annabelle talked for days and days about how her friends were going to come over, which made me both excited for her and a little guilty that I hadn't done it sooner.  And Sam complained a bit that he didn't get to have a class party, and I ignored him because he has friends over all the time.  The kids played, the mommies chatted, we ate snacks, colored turkey pictures and made turkey treats out of candy.  And we parted after 2 hours with promises to do it again.  And now these mamas aren't strangers in the hall anymore!

Finally, as not to leave out my boy, below is the picture of his very first Knight Award.  A What?  A Knight Award is given to students who are sitting quietly and patiently in the dismissal line at the end of the school day.  In the walker line they are awarded by Mr. Peterson, in the bus line by the 5th Grade Safety Patrol.  Earlier in the week he had his second "yellow" day of the year, so we had a lengthy discussion about balancing that out with positive behavior.  I wish I had captured the prideful, excited smile as he held up that blue slip of paper at the top of the bus steps the very next day.  It took 50 days of school, but he did it - SAM WAS QUIET!  For the record, he earned one the 51st day as well, but none since.  "There's new safety patrol this week and they're tougher!"

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