Monday, November 17, 2014

U6 Soccer - The Sharks

Some weeks they were the Bull Sharks, some weeks the Land Sharks, I really think it changed every week.  Regardless, they voted on the name of the Sharks and they were BRIGHT green.  And another season of soccer is in the books for Sam!

The makeup of the team was a bit different this time.  I guess that not too many kids signed up this year cause there was only one other kid from his school on his team!  It made it a bit trickier to bond with the other families, because honestly I was preoccupied with getting settled at the elementary school this fall.  But that didn't bother Sam, he still had a great time.

I am happy to report that the level of skill was heightened across the league this year.  Its amazing the difference that a year can make it ability level!  Not only were the kicks better and the aim more accurate, but the kids were much more aware of "plays" and passing and teamwork and game strategy.  Please don't let me imply that these things were consistently evident on the field, but there were glimpses, and that was fun!

Sam seems to have really improved in this area.  He is able to look across the field and anticipate a bit where the play/ball is headed and react accordingly.  Results vary, but I can see his little brain spinning as he plots his moves.  I think he really enjoys this part of the game, and I believe that's why he developed a strong affinity for defense this season.  More time to analyze the field and plan his moves!  And there was one game where, as defender, he continually booted the ball all the way across the field every time the opponent kicked it past mid-field.  Over and over and over again.  It was kind of impressive, and earned him the "biggest kick" award at the team party.

Soccer was good for him again, but he is once again ready for something new.  We've already signed him up for Basketball in January and he's talking about T-ball and Flag Football (ugh, I was hoping to avoid that, but we are in Katy, TX and so many of his school buddies play!).  Organized sports are good for him.  I wonder which one he'll end up excelling at in the long run?!

Annabelle was a trooper again this season.  Honestly I often felt like I was dragging her along to Sam's thing, but I later realized she was disappointed if she didn't get to go to the game, and she even enjoyed hanging on the blanket and running in the grass at his practices.  What a gift she is as my second child - the scenario would have been a nightmare if our family's birth order were reversed!  Regardless, I'm excited for the day that Sam has to sit through one of her activities...he he he.

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