Monday, November 17, 2014

First Football Game

Once upon a time my husband went to USF football games almost every week.  Then he moved to Houston.  And although he has been able to take his then-girlfriend once and his wife once (same girl!), it has been a very long time since my husband has seen a USF game in person.  And they just don't get much TV coverage here in Longhorn/Aggie-land.

Another upon a time we had some very dear friends that we saw often more than once per week.  We worshiped together, played together and went to community group together.  Their son is 10 weeks older than Annabelle, and we live about a mile apart.  And then they had the nerve to move to Dallas - something about a good job opportunity and lots of family, blah blah blah.

And then Chris realized that USF was playing SMU in Dallas on a Saturday night that we had no plans, followed by a Sunday morning holding no responsibilities at church.  And with a few quick emails only a week before the event, we had a plan.

After Sam's last soccer game of the season we drove up to Dallas.  Here's were our freak perspective on road trips comes into play - Chris and I didn't even really consider it a road trip because it was less than 4 hours.  We ended up in the car with absolutely nothing for the kids to do.  Good think they both napped - oh wait, that was just Sam. 

We said our hellos, took our cars to their parents' house and got a ride that dropped us right at the gate.  We made it through half the game before heading home to put the kids to bed, the grown ups sitting up to chat until we were falling asleep.

We woke in the morning to play and eat donuts, and were out the door around 9:15am.  16 hours in Dallas.  Totally worth the drive.

There is a special kind of comfort that comes with seeing old friends after a break of time.  Its good to talk to people who know you and your history.  Its good to hang with people who care for you.  Its wonderful when your children play well together and are excited to see each other.  It awesome when you are comfortable in your PJs in their home.  I am thankful to have these friends, and thankful that my husband made these spur of the moment (for us, at least) plans so that we could see them again.

And our kids saw their first football game.  This is no small thing, folks, especially for Sam.  He was beside himself with excitement from the moment we told him the plan.  Y'all, he pays attention when he watches football, especially if its a team he cares about.  Everything about the night was exciting to him - the stadium (which he kept thinking he was seeing on the drive up - anything with lights he had to ask about), the players, the scoreboard, the stadium food, the fireworks...

Annabelle DID NOT appreciate the fireworks.  But she recovered quickly, and the SMU mustang they ran across the field kind of made up for it.  She'll tell you all about the Red Fire if you ask her though, and how it made her cry.

We almost went online to buy the kids new USF shirts but quickly realized there was no need.  Of course there would be a serious cold snap.  Of course it would be misting the whole game.  40ish and wet - so pleasant.  Please note that I DID put a bow in my hair that was appropriate team colors, but that too had to go in favor of a hat, and a hood.  They were troopers, though.  It was not until the end of the half that Sam mentioned he was cold.  Half credit goes towards his excitement and fear we'd make him leave if he said he was cold, half credit to me for dressing him well (no long underwear?  Jammie pants under your jeans.  No ski socks?  Soccer socks will work).  Annabelle, who remember did not nap in the car, was less enthusiastic once the skittles were gone.  It was way past bedtime, and we later found out that her faux fur-lined boots were a bit too tight and her little feet were ice when we got home.  Poor girl!  But she paid attention and was generally happy to be there.

We should all get credit, really, because the stadium was at most 20% full.  Apparently not too many "fans" for an 0-8 team when its 40ish and wet.

It really was a great mini-trip.  I'm thankful for our hosts and thankful for a memorable experience for our kiddos.  It never stops getting old, watching your kids experience things for the first time.  Now I CANNOT wait to get them to an OSU game - cause that's a whole 'nother thing entirely!

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