Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"The Best Night Ever"

The great thing about childhood is that there are so many "best nights ever."  According to Sam we had one last weekend.  And I was reminded again that what my friend said is true, childhood just IS magical, very little Pinteresting required.

It was all Daddy's idea.  He lugged the TV outside so that we could eat our grilled dinner by the fire while watching the Ohio State game.  It was a great game! 

Sam ran back into the house a few times to add more clothing - typical fall evening where the temperatures drop quickly as the sun sets.  Annabelle spent a great deal of time doing this with her dinner.  When questioned she responded, as if we were foolish not to understand, "I painting!"

When he heard of the plans for a fire, Sam insisted that we make s'mores.  He doesn't eat them.  Doesn't even eat roasted marshmallows, only the ones straight out of the bag.  He does enjoy putting them on a stick, holding them over the fire for 20 seconds, and demanding that the grown ups eat yet another s'more.  Let's not count the number I ate.

Annabelle made great strides overcoming her fear of fire.  At first she wanted to eat inside, then she was ok if I sat between her and the fire.  Finally with some coercion, she was willing to help Daddy roast one or two marshmallows herself.  So proud of her!  Hopefully by February she won't be afraid of her own birthday candles, the way she was afraid of Papa's in October!

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