Thursday, January 15, 2015

Surprise Trip

There's a very long story here, but I'm choosing to pick it up at the very very end: We decided in December that we would fly up to Ohio to visit my family, who would all be in town, after Christmas.  The kids had known all along that we'd be home this year, and expected nothing more.  So I decided it would fun to keep their expectations that way - it was only a matter of keeping a secret for a few short weeks.

I was insistant that packing and trip planning not interfere with Christmas day, so we booked flights for 6am on the 27th.  And I spent all day on the 26th "doing laundry."  Yes, there was legitimate laundry being done, but the kids seemed oblivious to the fact that I was taking as many clothes out of drawers as I was putting in them, and they didn't notice the big suitcases laid out in my closet.  Thank heavens or the distraction of new toys!  At one point a few days earlier Sam did ask what was up when he overheard Chris tell the neighbor "we head out on Saturday," and he ventured a few guesses, but he wasn't sure of anything.  And now this trip is proof to myself that I can pack up this family to leave town for a week in just one day - someone remind me of that this summer?!

Do you know what time you get up for a 6am flight?  3:30.  Y'all, that's really more a bedtime than anything else.  This is why my children traveled in the PJs.  I woke them, after getting ourselves fully ready and the car fully loaded, at 3:50 and told them we were going on a special outing.  Sam guessed the Children's museum, until he saw the suitcases in the car and declared "A Road Trip!"  And they were mostly quiet on the drive, because it was 4am.  Until we pulled into the airport parking lot (hadn't spotted the airport yet) and Sam realized we were getting on a plane.  "Don't tell me where, this is fun!"
God blessed us with a gate directly across from Dunkin Donuts.

The kids tried to cover their ears for the destination announcement, but that's pretty tricky.  "I heard them say St. Louis, but I have no idea what that means."  And then our Southwest plane touched down and we stayed put for our "through count," pottied and peeked at the cockpit, and moved to the front of the plane.  And it was time for another destination announcement.  "Columbus!  Its Columbus!  Gommy's!"  "Yay, its Gommy's its Gommy's!" repeated his little echo.

And after landing I was praised for the best secret outing ever.

We hit the ground running when the whole crew came to collect us and take us to a candy store/lunch.  3 of us (not Sam!) crashed that afternoon, but we were all revived for presents from Gommy and Papa!  Sam got laser tag guns that even the grown up boys wanted to play with.

The week held a great deal of new toy playing - the kids took turns sharing and fighting over their new things.  I'm happy to report that Sam and Molly bicker just like siblings.  But they also managed to develop some creative play that combined both princess and super hero Legos, they ran restaurants together (Chicken Falini - that's what Sam's play restaurant is always called), and ran around chasing each other.  I'm also happy to report that Annabelle kept up much better with them this time and was an active part of a lot of their play (when she wasn't in a marathon afternoon nap).  Neither Molly nor Annabelle appreciated having the guns pointed at them, regardless of the fact that they shoot nothing but noise.

On Monday my Grandma and her friend came for lunch and a visit. She had actually never met Annabelle, but that didn't seem to bother my girl at all!  We told the kids who was coming, and although they have had limited interactions with my grandparents, they see Chris's every time we are in Sarasota.  Annabelle actually asked if she could ride in Gommy's car to see Great Grandma because my kids are so programmed to head to the nursing home to see Chris's Grandma!  Anywho, Grandma Gaffney walked in and I introduced to two ladies, Annabelle gave her a big hug and then asked, "Will you play wif me?"  So I got them each a baby doll.  Pretty cute, huh?  Only about 80 years apart in age!

We got the kids out of the house for a few fun outings.  Papa, George, Chris and I took the three big kids to eat dinner at Penguins of Madagascar - Annabelle's first movie theater!  They all enjoyed the movie, and Annabelle really enjoyed Papa's chips.  Gommy, George and I took the three big kids to the store that sells play equipment where it became abundantly clear that Annabelle just loves loves loves to jump and is willing to wait it line for it.  I liked this place better over the summer when we were the only ones there, but kids gotta burn energy when its 25 degrees outside!  Sam even found a boy to play tackle football with - the other mom and I did the "I'm ok with it if you're ok with it" mumbled introduction that I'm growing accustomed to. 

And we hit up the zoo, on the coldest night that we were there.  Kristen and Kyle stayed home because he got a cold.  My family was a bit under-dressed.  Remember how I wasn't going to put any thought or effort into the trip before Christmas?  Result: not enough thought into winter outerwear.  Consequence: my daughter in tears over her painfully frozen hands by the time we made it to the first inside attraction.  Fortunately there was a tunnel and slide to entertain Sam and Molly while we thawed Annabelle, and we developed a plan to wrap her in a blanket, hands tucked inside, for the rest of the night.  After dinner everyone was in much better spirits.  It looked like we might not see many animals, but we pulled through in the end.  We saw: reindeer, penguins (I mean, we'd just seen the movie!), sleeping tigers (they were cubs last time I saw them - not so much anymore!  "Nigh night, tigers!  Roar!  Do they say Roar?"), Rhinos and Elephants ("They need a potty!"  Not impressed with the poop on the floor!), a red panda waaaaay up in a tree, manatees and their associated fish.  "No, he can't get me," Annabelle's refrain repeated frequently to mostly remind herself that she was safe.

I got to see my friend Meri for about an hour the very first night we were there and I got to go to a private, 2-hour yoga class with my mom and Kate!

I tried to make New Year's Eve special for people - Chris and I made a cheese fondu dinner that turned out to be a big hit, but everyone was so full that we never ate all the stuff that had been purchased for the chocolate fondu desert.  At dinner we toasted Papa who found out that day that he'd passed his big re-certification exam - this will carry him through retirement and mostly likely he will never have to take a test again in his life.  My kiddos loved their special toasting beverage - Gummy Bears in Sparkling Grape Juice.  It was decided that Annabelle looked a bit too comfortable holding that glass.  The kids watched the Madagascar Countdown on Netflix before heading to bed.  Matt, Kate, Chris and I were the only ones that stayed up through the whole evening.  George reappeared some time in the 11:00 hour and he brought Kristen up for a few minutes right around midnight.  Low key for sure, but that's the way I like my New Year's Eves.

And then it was game day.  We all decked out in our OSU gear and Matt started pacing about half way through the day.  Special Kristen joined us for our "football food feast."  True, he had already eaten a brat and a slice of leftover pizza, but faced with a table full of junk food, would you look at the plate that my son put together for himself?!

Really didn't think we'd win that game - so fun!  And fun to actually watch it in Columbus, surrounded by Buckeye fans!

Did I mention that we met Kyle for the first time on this trip?  I would have loved to have met him before he was 4 months old, but alas here we are.  I met my nephew when he was already a tank.  I kid you not, Annabelle is far easier to hold than Kyle is.  Technically she does still weigh more than him (probably only by 5 or 6 pounds), but because she actually controls her own body she easily feels 5 pounds lighter.  But that didn't stop me from getting plenty of holding time in (watch out, he's a spitter!), and playing on the floor time - and nose suctioning time for that matter, after he developed his cold.  I do love holding babies, but I have reached that special time in my life when I get to love on babies in my family and then look at my own children and say "eat" and then head to my own bed to sleep through the night.  And that is quite lovely.

My children took a serious liking to their new cousin.  I was not surprised by Annabelle, she has always pointed out babies and noted that they are "aww, so cute!"  But I didn't think that Sam would be all that interested!  Yet he was the one who repeatedly asked to hold Kyle, asked to help with his bottle, would get down to actually play with him on the playmat, loving every minute of it.  Maybe it was his big brother practice coming into play?  Or he was really trying to bond with Kyle over being the only boys (we have girl number 3 slated to arrive in April)?  And honestly, Kyle seemed really fascinated by Sam.  He always looked right into Sam's face when he held him, and even reached up and tried to Gram Sam's mouth and nose.  It was so sweet that everyone was commenting on it - which didn't sit well with Molly who felt the need to remind us that "Kyle loves me more because I'm his sister!"  Poor girl - I'm sure that's true!

I think its important to note the vast quantity of food this group of 12 (11 really, Kyle still a milk-only guy) is capable of consuming.  I kept looking in the fridge and thinking "there's so much food!" only to watch my mom head out to the grocery store again.  And we ate out a ton, too!  And the food kept disappearing.  I'd like to pretend that it was all completely healthy and nutritious, but we are are clearly in holiday eating mode!

The trip ended rather abruptly for everyone the morning after the football game.  The Stegmillers were at the airport by 5am and we were only 3 hours behind them.  Matt and Kate rolled out a few hours after us.  Back to real life, with two very worn out kids. 

 Modern travel is such a struggle. 

And I found this picture on Chris's phone, which must mean that he was particularly proud of his packing job.  We did manage to get everything home, including every single gift we opened, in our checked luggage!  Thank you, Southwest, for still allowing bags to fly free.

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