Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sam's First Day

Today was the day. Sam's first day of preschool. I know, I know, he's only 2 ("he's just a baby!" my mother will tell you, every time the subject of preschool comes up). But 2 seems to be the new 3 when it comes to starting preschool. So after much prayer, consideration and time on a wait list to get into one of the in-demand neighborhood preschools, we signed him up.

And now I'm glad that we did. He's ready for it. I think I'm ready for it. Time will tell. For today I am proud to report that there were no tears - from either of us - at drop off.

Zion Lutheran Preschool is 5 minutes from our house. There are 24 tots in the 2's class. They spend their mornings in groups of 12 with 1 teacher and 1 aid each, then the afternoons together with all 24 kids and 4 teachers. I can tell you the Lord did not make me for that job, but he did make these women. We were there for orientation and then again today, and I've yet to see any of them stand all the way up for more than a minute at a time.

All reports were that Sam did well until nap time. Yes, they nap there (the program is 9-2). He even ate a good bit of his lunch! But there is a no paci policy, and they sleep on nap mats, so it was a new ball game for him. The director says she sees it every year - "give it a week and he'll be napping just fine." I hope so, cause that cranky boy wouldn't nap once he got home either!

(That's him next to his cubby after we put his lunch away. He was already too distracted to look at the camera. While I was loading it with nap mat, lovie and diapers, I tried not to be discouraged by all of the pull-ups going into all the other cubbies. Granted most of them are pink, and we haven't even tried yet, but something tells me I can't put it off much longer.)

Once we were calm and over the excitement, he started asking to go back. Excellent, how's Thursday sound? Great, cause Mommy has your red shirt clean for "red day!"

1 comment:

hunnifordd@gmail.com said...

Oh my gosh!!! He looks so big. Can't wait to hear his stories - I'm sure he will have some good ones!!!