Sunday, August 7, 2011

Uncle Matt Gets Hitched - Part III

Sunday morning came really, really early. And shortly after came a blissful knock on the door - Papa Dave was going to take Sam. We went back to sleep until 8:45. We were shocked when we woke up to Dave's knock to return Sam to us.

Up and dressed as fast as we can, back to the club for brunch. Yummy, yummy brunch with lobster crepes and chorizo omelettes (yes, I had both). It was a beautiful, sunny morning, actually a pretty pleasant temperature. Which is funny, because my sister kept complaining about how hot it was. Too bad we can't all live in San Diego. More chatting, more balloon play for Sam, and finally some goodbyes. Aunt TT got a big "two arm hug" before she left for the airport -they're pretty addictive if you haven't gotten one yet.

We made the wise decision to stay Sunday night. Sam doesn't fly well in the afternoon, and I knew we'd be exhausted. We all crashed in the hotel for the afternoon before Dave and Debbie left for their flight around dinner time. I have to say, our little trio could not have pulled off our part of the wedding weekend without Grammy and Papa. Their child watching services proved invaluable in allowing us to be where we needed/wanted to be every day. THANK YOU.

Then it was just us and my parents. Pizza for dinner - ordered in to the hotel because that's how energetic we felt. Even the adults were asleep before 10pm. Flight the next morning. Sam got the window seat. On the runway he informed me we were "going fast!" and craned his neck to look as we left the ground. I turned to say something to Chris. I turned back to find my son fast asleep. It literally happened that fast. He slept for an hour and a half, and it was not even close to nap time. I think we sufficiently wore the kid out.

But he also fell in love that weekend. With Baby Molly. I told you he shared his lovie. He asked for her constantly. One morning he even asked to hold her, which looked cute cause she weighs, at most, 7 pounds less than him. So after a minute I took her back. He looked at me and said, "More hold baby Molly!" So that's what he did. Then he settled for sitting next to her. Its pretty sweet.

So there you go, a summation of Matt's wedding weekend in more detail than most of you probably wanted. But now its out there for Matt and Kate. I could have written more, but this isn't a book. We had fun, and we can't wait to see where life takes you two (Houston, maybe?!).

1 comment: said...

It was most certainly our pleasure!! Wouldn't it be awesome if Matt & Kate AND Becky & Benton ended up in Houston?! Great job on the summary!