Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Uncle Matt Gets Hitched - Part I

It all started last Thursday. In truth it started years ago at Miami University, but for our purposes here today, it started last Thursday morning when our little family of three boarded a (delayed) plane for Chicago. Wiser this time, we didn't tell Sam about the plane until we were putting him in his bed the night before. The anticipation is just too much for the little guy.

He did well on the plane. We landed at nap time, collected our bags, got in Papa's rental car and hit up McDonald's for the boy. By the time we were in our hotel room the exhausted child was begging to go home. Until they wheeled the crib in. He started throwing things in ("I need this, I need this") and attempted to climb in himself. After 2.5 minutes in a strange room in a strange city, we shut the door behind us, went to Papa's room next door and heard from him 2 hours later. Sometimes it is good to wait till they're really tired to put them to sleep.

The hotel was a buzz with our people. Our traveling nannies (aka Grammy and Papa, aka Chris's parents) next door, George, Kristen and Molly across from them, Gammi and Papa (aka my parents) next to them. The place would later fill with numerous other family and!

Something important happened at some point on Thursday afternoon. Sam was in the elevator with one Papa, when they ran into another Papa getting off. I am told he was confused, didn't know where to look. He announced, "New Papa!" By the end of the weekend, when we asked how many Papas he had, he'd squeel with delight, "TWO PAPAS!" Oh the love and joy in having two papas!

Thursday evening was a BBQ at the Denison's (Kate's Parents) for family and bridal party. I met some new faces, at one delicous burger and lots of amazing salad. Sam displayed his corn hole skills - it was determine his skill level is equal to that of his Gammi. A compliment and an insult all in one! We left early to put the ring bearer to bed, only about an hour late. We had to, because he seems to think that if he stays up when its "getting dark outside," that something very bad will happen to him. I'd like to keep his line of thought in tact for now, thankyouverymuch.

Friday morning I pretty much handed all of my parenting responsibilities over to my husband and his parents - I simply had too many things on my personal itenerary to be Mommy! First it was nails with the bridesmaids, French Manicures to be exact. A word of advice - if you are going to overbook your nail stations, don't try to push the wedding party to the side. Do you see these 6 sweet, pretty faces? We WILL make your day a bad one if you make our bride stress. We'll be leaving with 7 manicures please. Now.

Then it was off to the Bridesmaids luncheon. Gammi and Molly (her very first ladies luncheon), along with several others, joined us for a cooking demo, salad trio and apple tart. Cute little restaurant in a neat little neighborhood that my husband has assured me we will never be able to afford. I am happy to visit.

After some ironing and changing into my second dress of the day (this stay-at-home mom is not used to getting dressed up so many times in a row!) it was off to the rehearsal. If I told you that this went well for our little trio, I would by lying. You see, it was dinner time. And Sam said that he was all done with "Big Church" and wanted to go to "Sam's Class." Not an option, dude. Now take this hungry, bored two year old and force him to partcipate in a run through of the ceremony. HAH! Much screaming. We offer a granola bar - the good, chewy kind with chocolate chips - which he begins shoving in his mouth. Too fast. He gags, chocks, almost throws it up. Grammy and Mommy display no fear or disgust in catching it. We wash up - more tears, still hungry. I offer a second, but now he fears this yummy, blood-sugar-boosting bar and refuses. I give up. He finds solice on the floor with Molly - he feels big and important with her. He shares his Lovie. If ever there was true love, that is it my friends.

We arrive at the rehearsal dinner. Its beautiful, but Gammi was in charge so you would expect no less. The immediate goal is to get food into my son. The first few appetizers are sooo tasty, but not toddler-friendly. I hunt down the woman in charge of food and beg for rolls. She delivers and Chris takes the boy outside where we learn that coconut shrimp is, in fact, toddler fare. 2 for Sam, a beer for Chris, and I decide I could survive on these bacon/blue cheese puffs they are serving, all the sudden our trio is happy again.

With my boy well entertained outside by Daddy and Papa, I get busy socializing. Many friends and family to catch up with. One rather miserable Sarah to send home. She gets bonus points for showing up 4 days post-op, on pain killers and sick because of them. More food consumed - Mexican (Kate's station), Asian (Matt's Station) and Junk Food (do you need a reason?), followed by ice cream sundaes and Miami Merger Groom's Cake. Papa Dave gladly took Sam to bed (probably around 9?!) so that he could get work done at the hotel. I got a present. We looked at old pictures of Matt and Kate. Turns out toddler Matt looks a whole lot like toddler Sam.

My parents thank Chris and I for helping them clean up. We admit they are our ride back. Off to bed for us all...

Tomorrow is a big day!

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