Friday, August 5, 2011

Uncle Matt Gets Hitched - Part II

We were up early again the next morning. Of course when sharing a hotel room with Sam, you're up early every day. But Saturday I had someplace to be. 9am at the Denison's house, loaded up the car with 7 fancy dresses and plenty of primping supplies. A quick breakfast and off to the salon. Tom, Kate's Dad, cried as he hugged her in the driveway and told her to, "have fun today!"

My mom got her hair done by the famous George. Kate's beloved hair dresser, we'd all heard of him and finally got to meet him. But he doesn't do updo's, so he did the moms. I got to sit next to the bride, and got two stylists since they were running behind and started me 20 minutes later than everyone else. Truth: I kinda liked it.

The bride and her maids headed to the country club, our make-up artists were waiting on us. We lunched on tea sandwiches and lemonade while taking turns being made beautiful. We peaked in on the set-up in the dining room. Gammi brought Molly by for some lunch from her Mommy, and hand delivered Kate's wedding gift from Matt. Happened to double as her something blue. Well done. The lady who worked at the club kept bringing out everything we could have possibly imagined to forget and I decided I need to someday belong to a club. Before we knew it, it was 1:30. Time for dresses.

Round about the time we were donning long black dresses I began to grow nervous about my son. I was trusting that Grammy and Daddy would follow all directions, and he would make it to the church on time having already lunched and napped. Aunt TT and I were pretty nervous.

We looked smashing, if I do say so myself, but there were others still to get dressed. Jeanne, Kate's mom, came out all dolled up and made her husband cry for the 3rd or 4th time of the day, certainly not the last.

Kate and her sister slipped into the locker room and the next thing we knew she was a bride. Seriously, like something straight out of a magazine. My brother got lucky! Accessories, veil, old, new, borrowed, blue...time for the limo!

Which turned out to be a party bus. So much more fun than a limo. And so much easier to get in and out of in a formal dress. And waaaaay cooler in the eyes of my two-year-old.

At this point we must discuss Brian. Brother-in-Law of the bride, Right-Hand-Man to the Matron of Honor. Our 7th Bridesmaid. The answer to every question seemed to be either 1. I'll text Brian, 2. I'll call Brian or 3. Brian has it under control. We pulled up to the church and there he stood out front, in suit and yellow tie, holding up Tom's missing yellow pocket square. He'd handled the final missing piece - time for a wedding.

The church was hot - broken A/C. But Sam found a toy kitchen and Grammy assured me his mood was more good than bad. He looked quite smashing in his tux. And then there was music.

We stood in line. Sam told me we had to wait our turn. With no one left in front of us I told him to tuck the pillow under his arm, I took his hand and the two of us started down the aisle. I'm told he looked quite serious. All I know is we made it down. I distinctly remember thinking, "I can't believe he's doing it, he's not freaking out, just keep smiling and keep walking!" I handed him to Papa in the 4th row and took Uncle Geo's (my real escort) arm for the rest of the walk. And then he cried for a minute because he wanted to stand up front with me.

Then came Kate. Of course I'd already seen Kate, so I watched Matt. So serious, trying hard not to cry. Yoder, his childhood best friend, beaming beside him.

"Her Mother and I do."
"I will"
"I Kate..."
"I Matt..."
"As Long As We Both Shall Live"
"I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

The pastor spoke directly to them, I liked that. Her sister sang beautifully. DeLisa's prayer for the Marines caught me off guard - that wasn't where I expected to cry. Sam called out for Daddy a few times, I heard Molly once too. Then we recessed. Sam declined George's invite to come with us, but was gladly scooped into Daddy's arms for the walk out.

We walked to the back room to wait for pictures. Someone called out for Mrs. Sivard and I tried to get my mom's attention. Oops - they meant Kate!!! My son's hair was wet with sweat, I was pleased to be in a strapless dress.

A few family pics and back on the party bus. Campaign toast. Much joy.

Pictures at the club. My feet hurt sooooo bad from trying to stand in stilettos sinking into the soft grass. As soon as he was done with pictures, Sam started stripping layers of his tux. The serious business was over, it was time to play golf. God himself walked up to Sam in the form of an 8-year-old boy and handed him a golf ball. Kate's cousin Lucy played with him for an hour, easy. They bonded. Appetizers and drinks on the patio.

The bell chimes. We line up for our introductions. I force a jacked back on my son but there is no hope for the vest and tie. He plays a rousing game of kick-the-balloon with the groomsmen. He cries again when we hand him off to go sit at the head table. Yes child, we are torturing you by making you eat dinner with TWO sets of doting grandparents.

Toasts. I believe Yoder's to be the best, he even memorized the whole thing, never once looked at his notes. (Later I would talk with Yoder's mom, who was beside herself with excitement to have been included in the day. It was quite sweet.) Dinner: soup (insert too many jokes about blowing on the cold soup), fancy salad, steak, cake. They forgot Sam's chicken fingers, we fed him some fillet. Chris went to the kitchen to claim the boy's meal, but it was too late. We ate his fries. The table in the corner adopted the slow clap and crowned themselves the best table ever. Sam tried to join their clapping every time.

Dancing. My parents' skills have increased dramatically since my wedding. Chris and I took them to their first ballroom dancing lesson. They have been taking weekly lessons since our wedding. Now they are good. My dad taught me a new dance. He's better at it than I am. Am I proud or embarrassed? Plenty of country music at the beginning - I like this party. We tried to take Sam out to dance but he was beyond exhausted. Papa Dave took him to lay down on the couch in the other room. I got a dance with my brother.

It was decided that Grammy and Papa would take our boy to bed. Thankfully they got to stay for the little deserts. We must discuss the little deserts. Deep fried Oreos, mini milkshakes in shot glasses, hot donut holes with milk, cotton candy, cheesecake bites and more. That might have been my favorite part.

More dancing. More talking with friends and family. Before we knew it, 11:30. Time for the sparkler send-off. We cheered as we tried not to burn anyone. Someone said, "Matt wants to say goodbye to you," so Chris and I rushed through the sparkler tunnel ourselves. We hugged the newlyweds and I felt honored that they wouldn't leave without that goodbye. And then they were gone.

Back inside. Collect our things, our favors, our flowers. We ride with my parents instead of the party bus. Back to the hotel and off to bed.

My little brother is married.

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