Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Annabelle Claire Hunniford

Born February 29, 2012 at 3:04 PM
6 pounds, 15 ounces; 20 inches

Mom and baby doing well. More to come!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Yesterday I proudly announced that I am ready for this child to be born. And I am - physically and emotionally. Here's how I got to this point:

A few days after Christmas, after the dust had settled from the renovations, shopping and wrapping, I became quickly overwhelmed with the fact that we had yet to do anything to actually prepare for the fact that we'd be having another child. In lieu of panic, I opted for a list (this time it was created on my brand new iPad and came with fancy reminders, sub lists, and sorting features!). The list held everything from "build Sam's new bed" to "sterilize bottles."

Here we are 8 weeks later and I can declare we are ready. Aside from the breast pump (which is en route from California as we speak) and planning Sam's third birthday party (trying to get ahead of the game a bit), my list is done. Equipment is down from the attic, cleaned and assembled. Meals are made and awaiting us in the freezer. Bags are packed, needed items purchased, supplies are organized, baby laundry is done (well, at least until we know the gender!). Chris has accomplished several miscellaneous house projects. The car seat base is installed and the gifts that my children will exchange at the hospital have been wrapped.

We have created a little corner in our world for the new baby. Part of the renovations included expanding our master closet into what is now a combo closet/crib room. A feel a little bit badly that the second gets such a small space when Sam got a whole brand new nursery, but I have every intention of telling the kid how much more time, effort and money we spent on the renovations inspired by his/her arrival than we did on Sam's nursery. And when baby is sleeping through the night, they'll be sharing that room anyway.

Sam has done well as we've brought out all of the baby stuff. He wants to know how it all works and I think he does see himself as a helper. A few toys he wants to play with, so we've had a few talks about how some things are his and some are the baby's. The biggest protests have come from the Pack 'n Play (understandable considering he slept in it as recently as the renovations!) and the crib mobile. "Those are MY elephants" he has declared on more than one occasion, even though they've been in the attic for a year.

With my list under control I have been making a concerted effort to live it up with Sam in our last few days alone together. We have hit up 3 different inside parks, the zoo, multiple outside parks, chick-fil-a a couple of times and Sonic for our "special drinks." I am trying to say Yes to playing as much as I can, even when I feel like I should be folding the laundry or cleaning the kitchen.

And so now we wait. Chris returned from a business trip on Friday morning and has promised to not travel any more until his conference in mid-April. I find myself straightening up more with the thought that our world could stop again at any minute. We're ready for you, marshmallow.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Full Term

Today I am 37 weeks pregnant. Full term. True, they no longer allow inductions before 39 weeks without medical reason, but a baby is not considered a "preemie" once it reaches 37 weeks gestation. I will not have a premature baby. That, combined with the positive news I receive at my now weekly prenatal visits, brings some piece of mind.

But there is much else swimming through my mind these days. Mostly I am anxious about how my life - our lives - are going to change in the next few weeks. Its funny, really, that this is getting to me more with my second. But last time around I was blissfully unaware of how much my life was going to change. I had no idea the adjustment it would be - physically, emotionally, financially - to quit my job and stay home with Sam. I had no idea what caring for another person 24 hours a day would feel like. I had no idea that I'd no longer be able to sit through a movie at the theater without wondering if someone else was ok. I just had no idea. And that made Sam's first six months very hard.

This time I know. I know to dread the sleep deprivation, the difficult trips to the grocery, the solitude of being stuck in the house. But I also know that all of those things end and there will wonderful periods of happy baby and well-rested mama. I also know that I have already adjusted to many of the things that were so hard the first time. This time I'm not quitting a job, and I already know that I'll never go out for the night without worrying if my kids are alright - and I'm ok with that.

More than anything else I am grieving the loss of my days alone with Sam. The kid can drive me up a wall and we LOVE our days with Daddy, but there is something about our weekdays together. We have a rhythm. We know how things are going to go. We can predict what's coming next, and I think that he can anticipate my reactions as well as I can his. At this point he is relatively easy. We go places, do things, play, hang around, whatever. But our days are about to forever change by the addition of a third person - one who won't be able to go everywhere or do anything, at least for a little while. I am scared about how this addition will affect my relationship with Sam, how it will affect the life that he and I lead during the week. I know I am not alone in these feelings. Every time it comes up at the park, bible study, etc I am reassured by moms of more than one kid that yes, they felt the same when they were pregnant with their second and yes, life is good with two. But I am still nervous, and a little bit sad.

In spite of all of the nerves, I am excited. Any day now I will meet a new person. A person that everyone swears I will love as much as I love my Sam-man. And for that I can't wait. I can't wait to love another child, to sing it songs, to find its ticklish spots, to kiss its tiny toes.

I am ready for this.

And this time I won't take for granted those newborn snuggles, because I also know that those sleepy newborns turn into wild preschoolers before you even feel like you've caught your breath from that last push.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Growing Belly - Volume II, Part IV

I don't remember feeling this big with Sam. Whether I was or not is not the question, I didn't feel this large. There is a chance that my daily activities are playing a role feeling larger - I just wasn't spending much time running around parks, getting on and off the floor, putting on tiny shoes, etc last time. I spent most of my day sitting in an office chair masterminding my beautiful spreadsheets. My belly just seems to be in the way more.

Other than large, how am I feeling? Mostly good! There are some days where things just hurt, and times when Sam wears me out more than usual, but other than that I'm good. And for being so close to the end, I am thankful for that. 36 weeks and 5 days along, to be exact, in these pictures. That's two days further along than in these pictures from Sam's pregnancy. Yes, pretty sure I'm bigger this time.

So that's the outside...we also got pictures of the inside today! We had a "growth and weight check" ultrasound at my doctor's appointment. I apologize that these aren't very good, but things are getting quite crowded in there and its impossible to anything other than a super close-up. More importantly than cute pics though, is that baby is growing appropriately. Everything is in proper proportion, and measurements put the little one at 6 pounds 8 ounces right now. That's almost a pound larger than Sam was measuring at this same point, so I am thankful that there is a 1 pound margin of error (in either direction) on these ultrasounds!Doctor tells me it can be any time now. Except Sunday. Because Sunday is her daughter's third birthday and she will be unavailable to deliver my baby. Yes, her daughter's third birthday is approximately 9 weeks before Sam's, so yes, we were pregnant at the same time 3 years ago. She came back from maternity leave the day before Sam was born. The last trimester was dramatic - too much doctor musical chairs. It has been lovely to see only one doctor this time, and I'd like to keep it that way. So let's pray that baby doesn't come on Sunday, shall we?

Monday, February 13, 2012


We have officially entered the "Why?" stage. He wants to know everything. Its worst when we are in the car, but can creep up on us at any time. I didn't even realize it at first, and then one day it dawned on me that I had answered 7 questions in a row. Now I notice.

Here's an example conversation for you:
Sam: Why do we go to church?
Lindsay: To worship God.
Sam: Why do we worship God?
Chris: Because he is so good to us.
Sam: Why is he good to us?
Chris: Because he loves us.
Sam: Why does he love us?
Chris: Because he is God.
Sam: Oh.
(Note to us as parents: time to pull out the Westminster Shorter Catechism...both for us and him!)

A few minutes later...
Sam: Why aren't the trucks digging?
Lindsay: Because it is Sunday
Sam: Why is it Sunday?
Lindsay: Because it comes after Saturday?
Sam: Why don't they dig on Sunday?
Lindsay: Because lots of people don't work on Sunday. Daddy doesn't work on Sunday.
Sam: Does Daddy go to work on Friday?
Lindsay: Yes.
Sam: Oh.

I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. In one regard, it is a real opportunity to teach him. He is obviously curious, and I hate to squelch his enthusiasm. On the other hand, it is tedious and sometimes difficult. Questions like "why does the road go this way?" are harder to answer! I'm working on developing some stock answers for those types.

In case anyone is keeping track, this is one more way that Sam is like Uncle Matt. Gammi reports similar incessant questioning at just about the same age.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby Shower

Last weekend (January 28th) three of my dear friends threw me a baby shower! To be specific, it was a diaper and casserole shower. Quite perfect for a second-time mom-to-be who doesn't need a bunch of equipment and supplies, don't you think? I came home with lots of little diapers (they look so tiny compared to the ones Sam was using a few months ago!), tons of wipes, and several yummy meals that now sit in my freezer awaiting the day when I just can't get my act together to get to the grocery store or to cook. I was even surprised with a few "cute" items - some new PJs, blankets, etc. All in lovely, gender-neutral pallets of course.

I forgot my camera, so there are very few pictures of the event. This one of me and my mom (who was in town visiting and got to join us!) was taken on a phone, so I apologize for the quality. But I can tell you that my guests and I dined on a lovely brunch of egg casserole, berries and pound cake before diving into the oh-so-adorable Beatrix Potter cake. Isn't it the cutest! And the little veggies cupcakes make me believe that they are actually healthy. Ha!

The guests also played a game to see how well they knew me. They each took turns answering multiple choice questions about my childhood, with answers provided by my mother. I didn't even know the answer to one of them - turns out I came home from the hospital in a purple dress. It was fun to see how well people knew me.

Thank you Gayle, Mary and Julie for making me feel so special and cared-for as I await the arrival of baby number 2!