Monday, February 13, 2012


We have officially entered the "Why?" stage. He wants to know everything. Its worst when we are in the car, but can creep up on us at any time. I didn't even realize it at first, and then one day it dawned on me that I had answered 7 questions in a row. Now I notice.

Here's an example conversation for you:
Sam: Why do we go to church?
Lindsay: To worship God.
Sam: Why do we worship God?
Chris: Because he is so good to us.
Sam: Why is he good to us?
Chris: Because he loves us.
Sam: Why does he love us?
Chris: Because he is God.
Sam: Oh.
(Note to us as parents: time to pull out the Westminster Shorter Catechism...both for us and him!)

A few minutes later...
Sam: Why aren't the trucks digging?
Lindsay: Because it is Sunday
Sam: Why is it Sunday?
Lindsay: Because it comes after Saturday?
Sam: Why don't they dig on Sunday?
Lindsay: Because lots of people don't work on Sunday. Daddy doesn't work on Sunday.
Sam: Does Daddy go to work on Friday?
Lindsay: Yes.
Sam: Oh.

I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. In one regard, it is a real opportunity to teach him. He is obviously curious, and I hate to squelch his enthusiasm. On the other hand, it is tedious and sometimes difficult. Questions like "why does the road go this way?" are harder to answer! I'm working on developing some stock answers for those types.

In case anyone is keeping track, this is one more way that Sam is like Uncle Matt. Gammi reports similar incessant questioning at just about the same age.

1 comment:

James said...

Wow that's so interesting, as they say the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. I can't think of any kid that I have ever known that asked Why? more than Chris. It about drove all of us crazy. So I guess Sam has inherited it from his dad and his uncle, so the whys might continue for a while. :)