Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Growing Belly - Volume II, Part IV

I don't remember feeling this big with Sam. Whether I was or not is not the question, I didn't feel this large. There is a chance that my daily activities are playing a role feeling larger - I just wasn't spending much time running around parks, getting on and off the floor, putting on tiny shoes, etc last time. I spent most of my day sitting in an office chair masterminding my beautiful spreadsheets. My belly just seems to be in the way more.

Other than large, how am I feeling? Mostly good! There are some days where things just hurt, and times when Sam wears me out more than usual, but other than that I'm good. And for being so close to the end, I am thankful for that. 36 weeks and 5 days along, to be exact, in these pictures. That's two days further along than in these pictures from Sam's pregnancy. Yes, pretty sure I'm bigger this time.

So that's the outside...we also got pictures of the inside today! We had a "growth and weight check" ultrasound at my doctor's appointment. I apologize that these aren't very good, but things are getting quite crowded in there and its impossible to anything other than a super close-up. More importantly than cute pics though, is that baby is growing appropriately. Everything is in proper proportion, and measurements put the little one at 6 pounds 8 ounces right now. That's almost a pound larger than Sam was measuring at this same point, so I am thankful that there is a 1 pound margin of error (in either direction) on these ultrasounds!Doctor tells me it can be any time now. Except Sunday. Because Sunday is her daughter's third birthday and she will be unavailable to deliver my baby. Yes, her daughter's third birthday is approximately 9 weeks before Sam's, so yes, we were pregnant at the same time 3 years ago. She came back from maternity leave the day before Sam was born. The last trimester was dramatic - too much doctor musical chairs. It has been lovely to see only one doctor this time, and I'd like to keep it that way. So let's pray that baby doesn't come on Sunday, shall we?

1 comment:

James said...

I think you look great. I remember being pregnant at this same time 40 years ago in 1972, Paul wasn't due until March 7th but he decided to make his appearance on February 29th and became the only baby born at Sarasota Memorial in that 24 hour period. We have all had a lot of fun with his leap year day birth. Next week he will have his 10th birthday!!!