Wednesday, May 6, 2015


So the hubs had a birthday in April, too!  The big 3-2, to be exact.

And he had the nerve to be out of town for his big day.  And none of his coworkers made a point to take him out to dinner.  Grr.

So back on the home front, we made a point to prepare a big celebration for his upon his return.  The kids spent a great deal of time decorating this banner for him.  I think he honestly appreciated it, because he folded it up and kept it!

We claimed Saturday April 11, two days after the real day, as Daddy's Birthday Do-Over.  We opened presents and had a special birthday breakfast.  We did the singing and candles in the morning because I made a grown up desert for him (a lemon cheesecake) that I knew they wouldn't like.

And we were out that night anyway, celebrating grown up style at dinner and Top Golf.  Only took us two years to make it back there.  We had a blast and I can't wait to go back.

Happy Birthday Babe, I love you!

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