Thursday, May 21, 2015

Her Last Day!

She would truly prefer to continue right on through the summer.  She loves her school so much.  This week she told me, "I let Sam borrow my pwe-school last year."  I love that!  At this point they've both attended one year of preschool at His Kids Weekday Preschool, and Sam's was 3 days a week.  But Annabelle has taken ownership of the entire place, and that thrills me to death.  She'll announce it to everyone every time we drive past, which is almost daily.  "There's my pwe-school!"

But today she had to say good-bye.  She gets it on some level, she can tell you that next year she'll be in a 3-year-old class, she'll have new teachers, and they'll use bubbles and buckles in the hall (instead of the rope they used this year).  But when we pulled out of the parking lot today and I reminded her that we wouldn't be back until fall she declared, "But I love school!  I miss my teachers!"

And who wouldn't miss the awesome women?  This was Crazy Yellow Day.  I tried to ramp it up a bit on subsequent crazy color days. (Ms. Kim on the left, who brought bible stories to life for our kiddos all year long.  Ms. Denise on the right, always ready with amazing crafts and activities to stay right on theme!)

This year she fell asleep on her napmat fewer times than I have fingers on my right hand - and one of those times was her last naptime of the year.  But blessedly, she always behaved just well enough, stayed just quiet enough, that she was allowed to stay through naptime even though she didn't sleep.  One of her buddies (or should I say her mama!) was not so lucky.

She made sweet little friends this year, too.  I wish that we could see them more outside of school, but they live 15-20 minutes away, we have siblings and activities...  But we should end up with some of them in class together again next year!

We received a wonderful little scrapbook of pictures from her year in their class, I am so thankful to her teachers for putting that together!  I have so much art stashed away from this year, amazing crafts and masterpieces.  How are you supposed to decide what to keep, especially when art is your kid's "thing?"

She has matured a great deal this school year - gaining independence, social skills and confidence.  I am told that is the primary goal of the 2's class, so it's a win for Annabelle!  I am thankful for a great year!

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