Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Family Celebration!

Sam's "actual birthday" was on a Thursday this year.  Should we talk about the fact that Sam was pretty insistent about the fact that he was 6 on the day of his party, which was 6 days before April 30?  Maybe next year he'll get that right.

I think when you're a kid its probably better to have a birthday on a school day.  You get to take a treat to school (full size donuts this year.  We aren't allowed to bring homemade stuff - I think because of allergies - which simultaneously makes me sad and takes a whole lot of pressure off of the day).  You get a birthday crown that you wear all day long when your in Kindergarten, your mom brings you McDonald's for lunch, and you get to bring the birthday bag home with you in the afternoon.  More attention is always better than less on your birthday, right?

But the celebrating actually started early that morning, when the birthday boy opened his first gift and selected which new "awesome" shirt he wanted to wear that day.  And of course a birthday breakfast!

After school it was swim team, home to change and then to the restaurant of his choosing for dinner.  We were pumped that he chose a place with awesome food where you can sit on the patio.  He likes it because he can run back and forth to the green at will to play while we eat.  And they have pizza.

And then we got stuck in a parking lot traffic jam caused by some emergency response vehicles and a poorly designed traffic flow.  There was no getting out.  So Sam had to take/make some birthday calls to the grandparents in the car, rather than on facetime at home. 

But we finally did make it home to open gifts.  He had fun, but the poor kids was exhausted by this point.  He didn't even want us to sing to him - which was a crushing blow to his sister who's favorite song is Happy Birthday and had been singing it to him in abstentia all day long.  Including in the grocery store, "Happy Biiiirrrrfday to my broooder!"  He said that she and she alone could sing to him.

But we couldn't do the singing and the candles in front of a half eaten R2D2 cookie cake, so mama served up and different kind of treat.  And my birthday boy loved it!  Candy absolutely is his love language.

**He got a bigger bike from Mom and Dad.  We had it out in the garage, so we sent him to the car to get my phone.  He came back saying he couldn't find the phone.  We made up some other excuse to all go out to the garage, where he stood confused and rather quiet.  Annabelle immediately calls out, "Whose is that bike?!"  Had he really missed it?  I don't think so, honestly I think he was so tired that it all confused him.  He couldn't even ride it he was so tired.  I felt bad for him, but it was funny at the same time.**

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