Monday, May 18, 2015

Kinder Field Trip

After their planned trip to Dewberry Farms was canceled twice due to bad weather, we thought they were out of luck for the year.  But the Kindergarten team was able to pull together and last minute trip, I was able to pull together a sitter.

It was a relatively quick trip to the Houston Museum of Natural Science to see the Butterfly Exhibit.  Believe it or not, with all the time we've spent in that part of town, I've never taken my kids there!  The butterfly exhibit was really cool, I just wish that we'd had more time in it.  Our docent helped to kids to see lots of bugs in the museum part, but they didn't get to touch any of the interactive things or press any of the buttons because he was moving us along so quickly.  Honestly, I was impressed with them.  I've seen this group in action before, and it could have gone sooo much worse given the crowds and noise and opportunities for distraction.

I'm not going to lie, it helped immensely that each chaperone was only responsible for 2-3 kids.  We were in groups of 7-10 kids, but you were only responsible for your assigned students.  And as a bunch of kindergarten moms on their first ever field trip would, we all took our assignments very seriously.  Most of the chaperones walked all the way to the bus, even after the teachers had taken back "full custody" of their classes, not willing to turn back for their cars until they saw their charges climb those bus stairs.
 Speaking of the cars, chaperones drive themselves these days.  I was a bit bummed at first, but our little carpool turned out to be great fun.  We even stopped at Starbucks on the way!


After they walked through the butterfly room, our kiddos attended a little class in the education center downstairs.  Our teacher was fabulous.  Not only with content, but we behavior and classroom management as well.  She had "retired classroom teacher" written all over her face.  Mrs. Schindler even videoed one of her songs so that she can use it in her classroom going forward.

Like I said, the trip was short so we were back at the school for lunch.  But the 4th graders were in the cafeteria, so we at our brown bag lunches in the classroom.  Sam and I sat at the teacher table with Mrs. Schindler.

A fun day, and I'm grateful that we both got to go!

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